The Bible Fraud
by Tony Bushby
The Bible Fraud
by Tony Bushby
Jesus the Druid
My theories on the Irish origins of civilization and importance of the Druids in all matters religious finds support in the works of Ralph Ellis and Tony Bushby. Although my subject is only of tangential interest to these authors, their discoveries help to reveal the deliberately concealed connections between the western Arya and various sects and personages in the Middle East. Bushby shows that the real Jesus was a British Druid, and that his mother and wife were royals, also from Britain. He shows that the creator of official Christianity, Flavius Constantine, was also born in Britain not Macedonia as history books falsely state. Knowing about the role of the Druids, and Jesus' true heritage, the cunning emperor incorporated the latter's life-story into the New Testament after the Council of Nicea. He also included the life-story of his violent messianic twin Judas Khrestus and conflated these accounts to make it seem that Jesus was but a single personage. Bushby's work, like that of Ralph Ellis, goes some way to substantiate the controversial theories put forward in the Irish Origins of Civilization, Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology, and other works - Mtsar |
Jesus & the Druid God
One 6th century Greek New Testament records Hesus Krishna in the places now occupied by Jesus Christ in modern Bibles, revealing that a combination of the Druidic and Oriental gods was once the deity of Christianity - Tony Bushby (Crucifixion of Truth) Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicea and he ultimately decided upon a new god...To involve British factions, he ruled that the name for the great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Savior-god, Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and then Hesus, Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god - Tony Bushby (Crucifixion of Truth)
When Julius Caesar invaded Britain (c. 54 BC), King Caswallon the First, was king of Britain and upon his death Tenvantius, son of King Lud, and Duke of Cornwall, became King. When King Tenvantius died, Yesu Cunobeline became king of Britain and his Druid followers were called 'Men of Yesu.' The term Yesu was a very sacred identity taught in Druidism as one of the three aspects of the Druidic trinity, the other two being Beli and Taran. Later King Cunobeline was given another Druidic title of Brain the Blessed...This author provided evidence in The Bible Fraud that the essence of the devout life of King Yesu Cunobeline later became the outline of the Gospel story of Jesus Christ - ibid
The British Connection Roman Emperor Constantius married Princess Elaine of Britain. It was his son Constantine I, who was crowned Emperor of Rome in York, England. It was Constantine I who created Roman Catholicism as it is known – Ralph Ellis (Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs) Helena, mother of Constantine the Great (founder of Catholic Christianity) was British born. She was the daughter of King Cole of Colchester. She was reputed to have established the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, after having discovered the site of Jesus' crucifixion. She is also said to have possessed a piece of the cross on which Jesus was crucified (Here for more...) Princess Helena was the daughter of King Coel II, born at Colchester in 248 and died circa 328. In the Vatican and British Museum are coins struck with her name, reading 'Flavia Helena Augusta,' but she was best known as Empress Helena and so recorded in the annals of history. In Roman historical records, however, Empress Helena was falsely made to appear a Roman native, wife of a Roman and mother of an illustrious Roman son, Flavius Constantine, none of which is true. Empress Helena was British and so was her son...Eminent Vatican historian, Cardinal Caesar Baronius said: 'The man must be mad who, in the face of universal antiquity, refuses to believe that Constantine and his mother were Britons....supported by over 20 European authorities - TB The Real St. Mark Bushby expertly delineates the main sources for the New Testament. They are in order of importance the Sibylline Oracles, Book of Enoch, Hermetic Texts, story of Mithras, story of Yesu Ben Panthera (Jesus the Druid), the story of his rampaging twin Judas Khrestus, and finally the story of the Aryan's Lord Krishna. Many other motifs from world traditions were also included. He shows that the Book of Mark (upon which Luke and Matthew are largely based) was actually a work by the Druid Marcellus. His name was changed and his work appropriated. Until it was doctored, his writings had nothing to do with Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament - Mtsar |
Real Name of Jesus
In 1415, the Church of Rome took an extraordinary step to destroy all knowledge of two Second Century Jewish books that it said contained ‘the true name of Jesus Christ.’ The Antipope Benedict XIII first singled out for condemnation a secret Latin treatise called ‘Mar Yesu’ and then issued instructions to destroy all copies of the Book of Elxai. No editions of these writings now publicly exist, but church archives recorded that they were once in popular circulation and known to the early presbyters…The Rabbinic fraternity once held the destroyed manuscripts with great reverence for they were comprehensive original records reporting the ‘Life of Rabbi Jesus.” Siblings of Jesus The Gospels of Matthew and Luke stated that Jesus Christ was the first born of Mary and Joseph and he had four younger brothers and at least two sisters…However, it was clearly recorded that Joseph had sex with Mary after the birth of Jesus…The statement that…Joseph ‘knew her not until she had born a son (Matt 1:25) eliminated the church’s claim that Mary was a perpetual virgin. From the statements in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew it was clear that the brothers and sisters of Jesus were subsequent children of Mary in the fullest sense. Virgin Mary’s Seven Children The Roman Catholic church has always denied that ‘our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary’ was anything but a virgin, or that she had other children. However, the Gospels recorded that she had seven children. John the Baptist Elizabeth, the mother of John, was the sister of Mariamne Herod. John was therefore the slightly older cousin of Jesus. He was of priestly stock and lived in a Sadducee home. He was clearly the leader of the Essenes. Herodias & the Baptist Herodius Herod, sister of Mary, was the one involved in the fake story of the beheading of Saint John the Baptist. Joseph Not Real Father An older Essene named Joseph was assigned as Yeshai’s ‘religious father’ and guardian. The Gospel of Matthew elaborated extensively upon the feelings of Joseph when he saw the violated condition of his bride-to-be. He was uneasy and being unwilling to defame her, he privately discussed ending their engagement (Matt 1:19). From the description in the Gospels, it was clear that Joseph was not the biological father of Mary’s child. So who was? Emperor Tiberius Father of Jesus His title, given on the German Bingerbruck Tombstone, was Tiberius Julius Adbes Panthera. He was the adopted son and heir of Emperor Augustus. He may or may not have been a native of Sidon in Phoenicia. His family had sailed to Egypt to escape pursuit. The tombstone was constructed well after the events. One of the connotations of the word Panthera, was adulterer, or even molester, and indicated someone given to sexual excesses, as he was. He was known as the “savage beast” by his army. Abdes ‘Abdes’ was the third name found on the tombstone and applied to Tiberius Julius Panthera. The origin of ‘Abdes’ may be connected with Emperor Augustus’ liking for ciphers and this may be what the originator of the tombstone was alluding to when he applied it to Tiberius. It was said of Emperor Augustus that: Instead of paying strict regard to orthography, as formulated by the grammarian, he incline towards phonetic spelling…When Augustus wrote in cipher he simply substituted the next letter of the alphabet for the one required, except that he wrote AA for X. By applying both of these rules to the word Abdes on the German headstone, a hidden code is thus revealed: Abdes = Ab-des = bc-des = BC DAYS The inscription stated that Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera was transferred to service in Rhineland (Germany) in the year 9 AD. The young Tiberius was indeed in that area at the time – Page 39 Yeshu’a ben Panthera The common Rabbinical appellation for Jesus Christ. Talmud’s Account Talmud composed sometime near the Gospels. Scholars differ widely. The Talmud’s writers mentioned Jesus’ name twenty times and quite specifically documented that he was born an illegitimate son of a Roman soldier called Panthera, nicknamed the ‘Panther.’ Bingerbruck Tombstone (Germany) Panthera’s existence was confirmed by the discovery of a mysterious tombstone at Bingerbruck in Germany. The engraving etched in the headstone read: Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera, and archer, native of Sidon, Phoenicia, who in 9 AD was transferred to service in Rhineland Germany. This inscription added fuel to the theory that Jesus was the illegitimate son of Mary and the soldier Panthera. Professor Morton Smith of the Columbia University, USA, described the tombstone as possibly ‘our only genuine relic of the holy family.' Origen Agrees Origen supported the Jewish records and confirmed that the paramour of the mother of Jesus was a Roman soldier called Panthera…Sometime during the seventeenth century, those sentences were erased from the oldest Vatican manuscripts and other codices under church control. Epiphanius (Bishop of Salamis 315-403) This champion of Christian orthodoxy and Saint of Roman Catholicism frankly stated: Jesus was the son of a certain Julius whose surname was Panthera. Judas ben Panthera (Judas Thomas Didymus) The Acts of Thomas was discovered in a collection of thirteen old writings now called the Nag Hammadi Scrolls and presented Thomas as Judas Thomas, that is, Judas the Twin. The church claimed that the ‘secret sayings’ in the Gospel of Thomas were collected and recorded by Judas the Twin from words recited to him by Jesus. The name ‘ben Stada’ given to Jesus in the Talmud, was found paralleled in the ancient Mehegheehlla Scroll that was discovered…near lake Tiberius in 1882 and is now called simply the Safed Scroll. In this old text, there were two brothers called Yeshai and Judas ben Halachmee who were the illegitimate twin sons born of a fifteen year old girl called Stadea. The Essenes Raise the Twins Yeshai and his brother Judas ben Halachmee were taken in, raised and educated by the religious order of Essene monks…Subsequently, one of the boys became a student of Rabbi Hillel’s school of philosophy and the other became the leader of the Essenes. Ben Halachmee – Her Husband’s Surname This was the name of her later husband and not the name of the father of her sons. Unfortunately, no mention was made of the real father’s name but ben Halachmee was the name given to Stadea’s illegitimate twin boys. Mary, Herod’s Daughter Mary, the mother of Jesus in the Gospels, Stadea of the Jewish writings, and Mariamne of the House of Herod, were one and the same person. At the time of the development of the Gospels, Mariamne was the younger sister of Herodias and the two girls were an integral part of the vast ‘family of Herodes’ (Herod today). They were the much loved granddaughters of Kind Herod and he ‘cared’ for them ‘with great devotion.’ Their mother, Berenice, later remarried and moved with her teenage daughters to live in Rome, where she gained the friendship of the Emperor Augustus. Parents of Mary Their mother, Berenice was the sister of Salome, Herod’s sister. Their father was Aristobulus, the son of Herod the Great. Her ancestors can be traced back to Nabatean Semites (Arabs) of Petra who died out after the advent of Islam, and via her grandmother, through the Hasmonean line (hereditary priest-kings) to the tribe of Benjamin. The Name Mary The original Hebrew version of the name Mary was Mariamne, but could also be translated Miriam. Joseph of Arimethea Another son of Herod the Great, who strangled his first two sons. Joseph was therefore sent away to Northern Italy, for his protection, by his mother. He was a prince of the House of Herod. Mary Marries Joseph of Arimathea The Talmud…recorded that Joseph of Arimathea was youngest uncle of Mariamne Herod and Herodias and therefore Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus’ great-uncle. Joseph was the youngest son of King Herod. He was, at this time of the uprising, married to Mariamne Herod was around sixty one, and the twins forty six. Joseph of Arimathea and Mariamne Herod were the ‘Joseph and Mary’ of the story in the Gospels and the narrative stating that Joseph ‘knew not until she had born a son,’ was true. …when Joseph returned from a trip, he found Mariamne Herod pregnant to Tiberius. The brothers and sisters of Jesus were therefore from Mary’s previous partners. Joseph was a close friend of Pontius Pilate. Mary’s Exclusion In the Gospels she was rarely mentioned. In fact, she was not mentioned by name in the oldest version of the Mark Gospel in the oldest Bibles. Nor was she mentioned in the oldest version of the John Gospel…Both the Gospels of Mark and John first introduce Jesus as an adult. Only in contrived narratives does Mary play an important role in the biblical texts and, excluding these, she was mentioned only briefly on three occasions. The church presbyters were also silent on Mary. There was nothing recorded of her external to the church for more than four centuries after the time she was said to have lived. She had no ancestry or background…The earliest documented reference to Mary was found in the Mark Gospel of the Sinai Bible…the narrative referred to her simply as the earthly mother of several sons and daughters. Jesus Stole the Torah The story of the missing Torah found parallel accounts in traditional Rabbinical and Jewish literature and one of the most persistent charges of the Jews against Rabbi Jesus was that he learned ‘a magic secret’ into Egypt. Jesus Breaks the Law of Initiates The attempted disclosure of age-old secret information blatantly violated the Ancient Rule of the order of High Initiates of the Mystery Schools and offended the priestly line ‘for one who is wholly forbidden to reveal their mysteries; rather one must keep them secret in silence.’ For that reason he was arrested by the Sanhedrin, charged and tried.
Legitimate Caesars/Church Cover-up The two boys, although illegitimate by birth, were the legitimate kingly heirs to the throne-the next in line to the imperial royal toga-and that is exactly what the Gospels of the New Testament recorded. This leads to an underlying truth hidden below the surface level of the Gospel story and one that the church has suppressed for seventeen hundred years. Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Mark suggested that Judas and Jesus were commonly regarded as illegitimate by the people of the time Gospel of John In the Gospel of John (8:41) the scribes and Pharisees challenged Jesus about his birth, ‘we are not born of fornication,’ again revealing that the general populous knew that Jesus’ birth, and thus Judas, was illegitimate. The scriptural and historical data being presented in this work shows that the New Testament was never and authentic record, but was, in its entirety, a corpus of corrupted documents specifically constructed to induce a particular belief. King of the Jews The premise for the conclusion in this work is that the ‘ben Panthera’ twins were of royal birthright and legitimate contenders to the throne of Palestine and the Emperorship of Rome. The Gospel appellations, ‘king of the Jews’ and ‘Son of god’ were correct titles because of the tradition of the times and the identity of both the mother and father. The boys were ‘brought up by the Augustus Caesar,’ their grandfather, and at least one of the boys publicly called himself the ‘son of God,’ and ‘Son of the archangel.’ This he could legally do for he truly was the ‘son of God’ in the Caesar family tradition. …all kings of Judea were called ‘God’ by the people. Leonardo’s Last Supper That Jesus had a twin brother has been debated for centuries. The great Italian painter, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), in his famous interpretation of the ‘Last Supper,’ appeared to subscribe to this ancient belief with his description of one of the disciples (fifth from Jesus’ right). Dead Sea Scrolls A messiah-type figure was in operation more than thirty years after the church claimed that Jesus Christ was crucified. This was the sort of Dead Sea Scroll documentation that the church contrived to suppress or, in some cases, ignore. The Dead Sea Scrolls made no mention of Jesus Christ or the early Christian church. At the time of their discovery…It has long been known that there was information in the Dead Sea Scrolls damning to Christian beliefs and the church’s high-level involvement with interpreting the Scrolls fostered a grave element of suspicion. Since the Scrolls were found some six decades ago, close associates of the Vatican were placed in dominant positions in every phase of the investigation and translations of the Scrolls. The priests regulated the flow of information and controlled its release. James It was professor Eisenman who provided the now accepted and spectacular connection between the Dead Sea Scrolls and James, the Gospel brother of Judas and Jesus. This connection established crucial information that had been painstakingly concealed from the public by a small enclave of Catholic priests who controlled the release of the material. Unlike a number of personalities in the New Testament, James was a historical person, one who played a more prominent role in the affairs of his time than generally acknowledged. Book of Enoch Thought to be written by the Essenes. The Essenes were considered by some to be connected to the Druids of Gaul. Baptism The Gospels do not record the anointing of Krist John, the Baptist, but they do record the anointing of Jesus. Judas was also anointed, probably before Jesus, because he was the ‘first born son.’ Baptism was most certainly not part of the orthodox Jewish tradition, so John the Baptist was at some time, the head of the Order. Most likely, he had been a leader excelling in his position and surpassed the other members by being proclaimed a prophet by a large number of people. Being anointed seemed to indicate both Judas and Rabbi Jesus had previously undergone the required three years of strenuous training required for entry into the hierarchy of the Essene Order, and anointing was their ‘token of honor,’ before full admission into the ‘inner circle of initiates.’ Judas Elected Head of Essenes After the death of John the Baptist inherited the leadership of the Essenes, Judas inherited the leadership of the Essenes because of the family bloodline and the status of the tradition of the first born. Because he was now Judas the ‘anointed’ initiate, he was called Judas the Krist (or Krist Judas), which developed into Judas Khrestus in subsequent Latin translations. He became the ‘Star,’ the head of the Essenes at their Bethlehem community, the town in which two of the Gospels later recorded that he and his twin brother Rabbi Jesus were born. Judas Versus Jesus The church depicted Jesus Christ as a bit of a softy, a real pushover, ‘gentle Jesus, meek and mild,’ as recorded in Sunday school literature. But they had it wrong for the Gospels portray mainly the character of Judas Khrestus, not Jesus the Rabbi. Judas Khrestus has been shown to be a man with a violent temper, an unwashed drunk carrying a sword and brandishing a whip, There are suggestions of homosexuality from a man who ate like a pig, was uncaring about family lives and was considered by many to be insane, as was also was the apostle Paul. A narrative in the Sinai Bible said Judas Khrestus’ followers were ‘all thieves and robbers,’ confirmed by Ernest Renan of the French Academy who said they ‘were the dregs of the nations, a poor dirty set, without manners, clad in filthy gabardines and smelling strongly of garlic,’ Judas Khrestus constantly defended himself against verbal and physical attacks, struggling to prove his royal identity. Messiah Needed As Reverend Dr Geikie remarked the central and dominant characteristic of the teaching of the Rabbis was the certain advent of a great national Deliverer - a Messiah - but not a god from heaven. The national mind had become so inflammable by constant brooding on this one theme, that any bold spirit rising in revolt against the Roman power, could find an army of fierce disciples who trusted that it should be he who redeems Israel. The death of King Herod in 4 BC was followed by frightful social and political convulsions in Judea. For two or three years all elements of disorder were current and Judea was torn and devastated. Revolt assumed the widest form and the celestial visions of a kingdom were completely banished by the smoke and flame of political hate. From that time until the death of Simeon bar Cochba in 132, no less than fifty enthusiasts applied the ancient ‘ambiguous prophecy’ to themselves, obtained a following, and set up as the messiah. Galilee – Place of the Gauls ‘The field of Gospel history had its beginnings in remote Galilee,’ the most northerly of the three provinces of Palestine (Galilee, Samaria, Judea). The Romans named the region of Northern Galilee, Gaulantius (originally Gaul-anti-us, today Golan Heights) and this word provided a clue to who was originally living there. Exodus of Gaulish Celts ‘With the Roman conquest of Gaul the Druids lost all their jurisdiction, Druidism suffered a great decay…and if some of them remained scattered and there in Gaul, most of them were obliged to emigrate to Brytayne (Britain).’ But they didn’t all go to Britain. Large groups traveled east along the Danube into Hungary, Greece, Turkey…and a splinter group established itself in Galatia, a country in Asia Minor that derived its name from its inhabitants, who were Gauls. The church recorded that the highlanders of Upper Galilee were violently opposed to the Roman and this completed the structure of the name Gaulantius. Disciples were Galilean Simon (called Peter) and his brother Andrew were clearly Galilean. First Pope a Gaul Roman Catholics today regard Simon Peter as the first Pope and leader of the apostles. The tradition that made Simon Peter the founder of the Church of Rome depended only on the writings of Bishop Irenaeus who did not define in what circumstances Simon Peter went to Rome. Simon Peter was really Simon of Petra-his name being in the same biblical tradition as that of Mary of Bethany and Saul of Tarsus. Mariamne Herod, the mother of Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus, also had family links with the city of Petra, for her grandmother, Cypros, the mother of King Herod, was also a Nabatean Arab from Petra. There is a connection between the radical Galileans and the Zealots. But it was Judas Khrestus, not the Gospel Jesus Christ nor Rabbi Jesus, ‘who began his ministry in Galilee and from whence he drew his disciples.’ Judas Khrestus was, in fact, more politically committed than we have been given to understand in the presentation of the Gospels. Rise of Herod Antipas The most able of Herod’s sons, Antipas, became the Tetrarch of Galilee after the territory was given to him and he had the arduous task of controlling Judas Khrestus and his extremist Galilean entourage. Zealots The most sensitive of all Gospel documentation for later Christian tradition was that of narratives in which Jesus (Judas Khrestus) was directly made to have included Zealots, of all people, among his supporters. Debauchery of Rome Tacitus described Rome at the time as a place ‘were every horrible and shameful iniquity from every quarter of the world pours in and finds a welcome. Judas the Contender Judas Khrestus possessed an hereditary right to the Emperorship of Rome and the throne of Judea and, because of this, he rallied popular support among the Galileans, hoping maybe hat he could regain for them the land the Romans had taken. Judas Khrestus and his rebels ‘started in Galilee’ and came ‘all the way here’ (Luke 23:5) to Rome to challenge his father, Emperor Tiberius. They subsequently arrived at ‘a farm called Gethsemene which belonged to a man called Joshua,’ situated on the outskirts of the city. Some early English language Bibles…recorded the name Judas, not Jesus, and neatly accounting for the amalgamation of the two life stories…It was at Gethsemene that the Galileans readied themselves for battle with the Romans. Tiberius died while Judas was in Gethsemene. He was replaced by Caligula. Natural Successor Judas Khrestus was the son of Tiberius and Mariamne Herod and that constituted a serious problem for the Roman Emperor, for Khrestus was the illegitimate, but natural successor to the King of Judea and he Emperorship of Rome. However, the official Roman policy was now to ‘rid Judea of the royal line and any other government of the sort and hand administration of the country over to the Roman legate in Syria, such was the dimensions of the hatred against Herod and his dynasty. Betrayal of Judas Iscariot The Romans had an elaborate secret service, with members spying all over the occupied territories. From the information in the Gospels, it can be argued that Judas Khrestus was preparing his attack but before he could get under way, Judas Iscariot, an informer to the Delatores, betrayed him. Discrepancy Over followers Strangely enough, a great variation was given in the Gospels as to the numbers of Judas Khrestus followers. The amount in the Gospels of Luke was given as seventy-two. However he was attributed a figure of ‘five hundred disciples’ in the first book of Corinthians…In the Talmud disciples were recorded. They were the followers of Rabbis Jesus, not Judas Khrestus. Arrest and Substitution Being aware of his royal blood, Judas Khrestus then exercised an age-old tradition that came with his birthright. This advantage allowed him to order the placement of a ‘substitute’ to take his allotted punishment. An ancient Babylonian clay tablet determined the actual origin of the tradition of a ‘substitute.’ The priests ordained a substitute should ‘go to meet his destiny’ and undergo, on somebody else’s behalf, the affliction in store for that person. An echo of this ancient rite was found in the story of Barabbas, who was offered as a substitute to Judas Khrestus (Matt 27:16-17). The substation, allowed Judas to survive, but legally deprived him of his birthright. The ‘substitution tradition’ at first, it seemed, the unlucky victim had to suffer but not necessarily die…Judas Khrestus was then ‘flogged.’ Crucifixion in Rome not Jerusalem With Joseph of Arimathea’s help Judas Khrestus was exchanged for the ‘substitute’ under the cover of darkness. Pontius Pilate was in Rome at this time (37 AD) for late in 36 he had been ordered by the governor of Syria, Vittelius, to travel to the city to answer for his conduct to Emperor Tiberius. However, Tiberius died on 16 March 37, and just before Pilate reached Rome. Pontius Pilate remained in Rome and was still there during the reign of Emperor Claudius 41-54. Pilate knew of the “switch” According to the Gospels, Pontius Pilate considered Jesus Christ innocent of any crime, simply because he was referring to the person who became the substitute for Judas Khrestus. The words of one of the two thieves punished along side Jesus, serves to confirm that there was an innocent man involved. Why Jerusalem? It was the place of an unpopular crucifixion of a well-loved messiah figure called Aristobulus, the heroic Maccabee. The fact that all prominent historians of those days recorded this particular crucifixion showed that it was considered one of Mark Anthony’s worst crimes and the sympathy for the crucified King was widespread and profound. Some writers think that this crucifixion provided the precedent to an overlaid story in the Gospels but it was probably where the later Gospel writers adopted Jerusalem at the place of the crucifixion of the Gospel Jesus Christ. Historians Quiet on Crucifixion There was no verification of a landmark or significant crucifixion of a person called Jesus Christ in the writings of such highly regarded contemporary historians as Philo, Tacitus, Pliny, Suetonius, Epictectus, Cluvius, Rufus, Quintus, Curtis Rufus, Josephus, Plutarch, and the Roman Consul Publius Petronius. Bishop Irenaeus …denied a virgin birth, never mentioned a trial of Jesus Christ, said nothing of a crucifixion or resurrection and claimed Jesus Christ declined towards old age. Avoiding Crucifixion Unless an Imperial Order was issued, the payment of money to Roman authorities was the only way a crucified man could be released. According to the Gospels, Simon of Cyrene, experienced crucifixion for just part of one afternoon, a few hours. He subsequently escaped its full horrors after Joseph of Arimathea negotiated a financial settlement with Pontius Pilate for his release from crucifixion. To hide the fact from the Roman authorities, Judas Khrestus and his followers subsequently removed Simon’s body from Joseph of Arimathea’s private tomb. Additional evidence provided in the Gospel of Peter supported Basiledes’ record that the body of Simon of Cyrene was removed from the tomb. Jesus Alive After Crucifixion The Acts and Gospel of Thomas, the Gospels of Peter and Barnabas and the apocryphal writings provided eleven separate biblical scholars recording Judas Khrestus was living long after the time the church stated the singular Gospel Jesus Christ died. Mohammad/Koran ‘…and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on the cross.’ The story of Mary’s pregnancy by a Roman soldier also appeared in the sacred book of the Moslems, the Koran. It stated that ‘a full grown man’ forced his attentions on Mary, and in her fear of the disgrace that would follow she left the area and bore Jesus in secret. This story was supported in the Gospel of Luke, with the description of the departure of Joseph Mary from their home prior to the birth. Rape was a common event in Palestine during the Roman occupation and soldiers were notorious for the treatment of young women. It would be unthinkable for Mary to admit such an event had occurred for, under the Law of Moses, a betrothed virgin who had sex with any many during the period of her betrothal, was to be stoned to death by the men of the city…Simply put, Mary faced the death penalty unless she could prove her innocence. Unholy Christians The Romans pronounced the Khrestians ‘public enemies’ and looked upon them ‘as a downright monstrous phenomenon, a third race, a destitute and forsaken people.’ Marcus Aurelius on Christians Said that the Khrestians were a strange and distinct class of people given to a ‘new and wicked superstition’ Emperor Theodosius I (379-395) Wrote 200 years later: The mob that gave Khrestians their name hated them for their crimes, their leader had been put to death under Pontius Pilate, but the deadly superstition spread throughout Judea and even Rome. Some confessed their faith and were arrested, on their testimony, a multitude were convicted of arson, but also of hatred of the human race Minucius Felix …the name of brother and sister hallow fortification as incest. Their foolish superstition makes a boast of crime; a condemned criminal is the object of their veneration. Finally there is infant murder, cannibalism and the banquet with incestuous intercourse (from Octavius 9) They were still being condemned as late as the Trullan Council in 692, some 650 years after the death of Judas Khrestus. It was a widespread and on-going animalistic custom and many of the rabble adopted and accepted Khrestian/Christian name solely to partake in the ‘love-feasts.’ Persecutions or Prosecutions? Many of the now-called persecutions of the early Khrestians/Christians were due solely to the fact that they were criminal activists, not religious devotees. As Marcellinus Ammianis (330-400) the famous Roman historian said of them in his time, ‘the atrocity of the Khrestians/Christians against opponents surpass the fury of wild beasts against men.’ The Romans were tolerant of any and all religions, excluding Druidism, but very resentful of anything that savored of political rivalry. And much later, when the Khrestians were finally brought to bear, the field for religious propaganda was wide open. British History Regarding British written records, the whole of Britain’s history for the first 500 years of the Christian age is almost entirely blank. Essenes and Druidism …the continental Essenes sent their neophytes priests to ‘auxiliary branches’ in Britain to undergo special training at the hands of Druid priests, and Jesus was one of them. The Essene doctrine was ‘So closely associated with Druidism that its origin may be said to have been Druidism, and the Druid’s beliefs were the same as those entertained by the Essenes. Marriages between Roman and Druid Elites (Enemies on Paper) During the truce period, Emperor Claudius offered his natural daughter Venus Julia (Venissa, in British accounts), to King Caradoc and, amidst great celebrations, the couple were married in Rome. Emperor Claudius had earlier sworn to exterminate King Caradoc and now his fiercest battlefield opponent was his new son-in-law. In Britain, and while maintaining the truce on behalf of the Roman Emperor, Aulus Plautius, Emperor Claudius’ General married Gladys, sister of King Caradoc. The first Christian church was actually in Rome and was really a Druidic church. Jesus Cunobeline When Jesus married Mary Magdalene, he was given the name, Cunobeline. Jesus Becomes Pendragon When King Trenvantius died, Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline became ‘King of Britain’ and the pious domestic name then given to him was Bran the Blessed (Bran ab Fendigaid). Bran originated from the word Bren-line…meaning, from the line of the religious ‘Kings of all Britain.’ Mary Magdalene a Celtic Princess Mary Magdalene’s father was King of Britain and she was a Celtic princess, and probably a Druid priestess. Prince Lazarus and Princess Martha, Mary Magdalene’s brother and sister were also royal Celts, and half brother and sisters of Rabbi Jesus. Mary Magdalene – Sister of Jesus Ancient church tradition maintained that one of Rabbi Jesus’ sisters was named Maria, or as recorded in some early Gospels, Margi. Mary Magdalene Lived in Wales In the Gospel of Mark, Magdala was changed to Dalmanutha: The word Dalmanutha was a modern translation variation of Delmetia, sometimes also interpreted Delmethia. It was an area of Britain in South Wales, and then bounded on the south by the ‘sea called Severn’ and on the west by the Demetian Sea. It was here that the able antagonist of Julius Caesar’s invasion of Britain…had his Castle Magdala. Wives of Jesus Morton Smith, Professor of Ancient History at Columbia University, USA, found a document in the Mar Saba Monastery near Jerusalem in 1958 revealing evidence that Rabbi Jesus’ marriages was deliberately removed from the Gospels by church decree at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 553. Mary of Egypt Was a third century prostitute from Alexandria who solicited business among the pilgrims en route to Jerusalem. Subsequently, she gave up her whore’s life and became devout. She was obviously the basis for the legend of Mary Magdalene. Culdees This was the Bethany Group of Mary, Jesus, Lazarus, Joseph of Arimathea, etc., who traveled to France and Britain from the east after the faked crucifixion. They were not known as Christians. Lazarus in Britain The only record we possess of Lazarus beyond the Gospels is a very ancient British publication called ‘Triads of Primitive Britain.’ It is difficult to explain how the name of Lazarus could find its way into these peculiarly British memorials except by his presence in Britain. Heirs to the British Crown The true British bloodline inheritance flowed through the lineage of Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline’s second wife Princess Mary Magdalene, a pure royal Celt, making her two boys the true heirs to the Crown of Britain. Defaming Mary Magdalene It was no surprise to find this Celtic Princess defamed in the new church of Emperor Constantine, whose family line remained the primary beneficiaries of the deception. It is probable that the defamation of Mary Magdalene started at that time. Avalon Later Glastonbury, was given over to the Culdees (Bethany Group). It was also called the “Sanctuary of the Krists.”
The word “Barbaric” This just meant those who were not Roman, and was used for the Britons, but not because they were backward or primitive. Phoenix A term for an initiate of Essenic type secret societies. One who is "born again." It's from the Persian mystery tradition Emperor Claudius Took over when Caligula died, but was an imbecile. AD 43 Britons go to war for the first time in their history, against the Romans. Truce Fails The truce subsequently failed, hostilities resumed and King Caradoc was now the wartime opponent of both his father-in-law and brother-in-law. Female Warriors Fight Romans For the first time the Romans met women warriors fighting side by side with their men in combat. Tacitus stated that their long-flowing hair and blazing blue eyes were a terrifying sight to behold. King Caradoc Captured He is brought in chains to Rome, but against tradition, and because of their legal title to the emperorship, he is greeted and freed of all charges. He and his family live splendidly in Rome, in the Palace of the British, given them by the Emperor. Many of the visitors to this palace were the dramatis personae of the Bible’s New Testament. St. Paul spent a lot of time there. He even seduced Nero’s favorite concubine. Gloucester The burial site of King Caradoc’s Roman wife Claudia, given him on his return from Rome to Britain by Claudius. Glouster is the word Claudia in Celtic. Death of Jesus in England According to a Jewish legend, three boatloads of Jews arrived in Arles (Southern France) circa 53 AD, and the theory proposed is that this group were pursuing Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline. They eventually captured him in Lud’s Town where he had fled and reunited with his son, King Caradoc and other close family members. At this stage in his life he was approximately sixty-three years of age, which confirmed the records of Bishop Clement of Alexandria. Romans Own Everything Jewish Emperor Vespasian took possession of all Jewish religious artifacts that had previously been safely stored in the Temple, including the precious Torah, and stored them in the Capitoline Jove in Rome. He then proclaimed the entire Jewish territory the Roman Emperor’s persona property, and had his decision officially ratified by the Senate…Josephus recorded that Vespasian personally kept the Torah, revealing that it had at sometime been recovered from Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline and replaced in the Temple…the great Temple of Jerusalem was no longer, and the Jews had been disposed of their land, their treasure and the physical substance of their religion. Celsus and the Presbyters (“Church Fathers”) Celsus was an acknowledged expert on Biblical writings and the most important intellectual opponent of Christianity during its early years. He threw the early presbyters into perturbation when he accused them of accepting the worst superstitions of Paganism, and then interpolating passages into various writings without understanding the meaning of what they created. His accusations were so plausible that for a long time no Christian writer ventured to answer the challenge. His books were later burned. …it is apparent that even towards the end of the Second Century it was commonly accepted that the orators’ manuscripts, now called Gospels, were shallow, manipulated transcripts and had already been altered on many occasions. Saint Peter – No Official Status There was never any recorded form of ordination from a supernatural Jesus Christ or Simon of Petra (Simon Peter) to the presbyters. They appointed themselves and continually restructured their own writings to further appeal to the rabble without understanding the meaning of what they were compiling. Saint Augustine Recants Towards the end of his life…St Augustine confessed that Christianity was ‘a religion of threats and bribes unworthy of wise men.’ He also wrote: My enemies thereof I hate vehemently. Oh, that thou would slay them with thy two-edged sword, that they might no longer by enemies for so do I love to have slain. Jerome was a compulsive transvestite. No Evidence of Gospels Church experts admit to no evidence of the existence of the Gospels for at least a century after the time it is said Jesus Christ was born in a manger. The most ancient literature fails to show any trace of acquaintance with, nor the use of, the Gospels we know today. It is not possible to find in any writings compiled between the beginning of the First Century and the middle of the Second Century, any reference to Jesus Christ or the Gospels… Everything supernatural the presbyters wrote about their developing god could be traced to earlier religious beliefs. Resurrection, No Evidence The resurrection verses in today’s Bibles are now universally acknowledged as flagrant forgeries and are now known to have been added to the earliest story some time later, perhaps as late as the Fourth Century or even into the early decades of the Fifth Century…More importantly, none of the early presbyters including Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Ammonius Saccas, Origen, and Eusebius, showed any knowledge of these verses…The oldest Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ’s life ended with Mary Magdalene arriving at the tomb and finding the stone rolled back from the entrance and Jesus gone. Emperor Diocletian …it was Emperor Diocletian (285-305) who eventually tried to give order to the presbyter’s cult, partly because he saw it as necessary to maintain his power, and partly to provide a religious focus for the Empire as a whole. Eventually, a Roman edict of toleration granting the presbyters and the rabble the right to practice their discourses was issued. By this time, groups of presbyters and their sects sprang up like mushrooms, each with different Gospels. Constantine’s Council of Nicea Constantine…issued a Decree commanding all presbyters and their subordinates ‘be mounted on asses, mules and horses belonging to the public and travel to the city of Nicea’ in the Roman province of Bithymia, a country of Asia. The presbyters were instructed by the Emperor to bring with them the manuscripts from which they orated to the rabble…Constantine saw in this developing system of belief the opportunity to make a combined State religion and protect it by law. The first general church council was thus convened and the year was 325. On 21 June, the day of the Summer Solstice…a total of 2048 presbyters, deacons, sub-deacons, acolytes, and exorcists gathered at Nicea to decide what Christianity really was, what it would be, and what writings were to be used and who was to be its god…The Emperor Constantine presided over the council. Nowhere is Christianity less attractive…and less authoritative, than in the councils of the church…The degeneracy is rapid from the Council of Nicea (325 AD) to the first of Ephesus (431 AD), where each party came determined to use every means of haste, maneuver, court, influence, bribery, to crush his adversary - Dean Milman Emperors Considered God The early church saw the Roman Emperors as ‘second only to God, before and above all gods’…The power the Emperor’s wielded was awesome and the decisions they made are still felt today. It is important to note that the format of the name ‘Jesus Christ’ was not cemented down until the time of the Reformation (14th-17th Centuries), for in earlier times it had several renditions such as Yeshoua Krst and Yeshu Kristos The New Testament The Emperor then instructed Bishop Eusebius to compile a uniform collection of new writings ‘bound together as one’…Eusebius was to arrange for the production of ‘fifty sumptuous copies…to be written on parchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient portable form, by professional scribes thoroughly accomplished in their art’…’Make them to astonish,’ said Emperor Constantine…This was the first mention of finished copies of a Christian New Testament in the history of mankind. With his instruction now fulfilled, Emperor Constantine decreed that the new writings be thereafter called the ‘words of God’ and be attached…to copies of the Hebrew Old Testament. Emperor Vespasian, in the First Century, had proclaimed the entire Jewish territory the personal property of the Roman Emperors, and his decision was officially ratified by the Senate. In effect, all later Emperors were in control of the Jewish religion…Emperor Constantine effectively attempted to amalgamate the earlier Jewish religion with his new cult. By legal inheritance, he was also the messiah. After Eusebius had finished drawing upon the large array of presbyter’s texts, Constantine then ordered them destroyed by fire and ‘any man found concealing one should be stricken off from his shoulders (beheaded). Meaning of "Pagan" The Emperor offered generous bribes to those who would convert to the new official religion. Those who refused traveled away to the region called Pagi, and became known as the Pagans. The Sanhedrin (Who Were They?) The chief priests were key figures in the Sanhedrin and they were probably former high priests or members of the priestly aristocracy. According to Josephus they were ‘the leading men of the people, the leading people of Jerusalem, the powerful and the dignitaries,’ and at court trials, they sat in a half circle facing each other.’ The Sanhedrin had good reason to bring Jesus to trial for the blatantly stole their most valued document, thus preventing them from keeping the Passover and partaking in the consumption of the obligatory four chalices of wine. Not only had they lost their Torah, but also access to the very sacred Secret it contained. Opposing Accounts The mass destruction of Jewish books included hundreds of copies of the Old Testament and caused the irretrievable loss of many original hand-written documents…In an attempt by the Church to remove damaging Rabbinical information about Jesus Christ from the face of the earth, the Inquisition burned 12,000 volumes of the Talmud. However, many copies survived and today provide traditions about the person called Jesus Christ. “Original” Greek Text …the ‘original’ Greek text was not written until around the mid-Fourth Century and was a revised edition of writings compiled decades earlier in Aramaic and Hebrew. Those earlier documents no longer exist and the Bibles we have today are five linguistic removes from the first Bibles written. What was written in the ‘original originals’ is quite unknown. Authorized but not Authentic It is important to remember that the words ‘authorized’ and ‘original’, as applied to the Bible, do not mean ‘genuine,’ ‘authentic’ or ‘true.’ Books Destroyed Tomas de Torquemada (1420-98) was responsible for the elimination of 6000 volumes in Salamanca. Bacon as Shakespeare Psalm 46. Count 46 words from the beginning gives the word “Shake,” while counting 46 words from the end of the verse, gives “spear.” There are 111 words between them, which as a signature is the Druidic trinity symbol, used as a favorite by Bacon. Bacon was made the editor of the King James Version of the Bible. The year was 1610. |
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The Crucifixion of Truth
by Tony Bushby
The Crucifixion of Truth
by Tony Bushby
In matters of religion it is very easy to deceive a man, and very hard to undeceive him - Pierre Boyle
In this hard to find masterpiece (Bushby's third book on the Bible) we find the evidence obliterating every pretense at authenticity of both official Judaism and Christianity - Mtsar Overview (Vatican Archives) This book presents an overview of the Christian church's untruthful presentation of the story of Jesus Christ and was initiated by the discovery of ancient scrolls in secret Vatican archives.
Edmond Szekely In 1925, a young priest studying in Rome obtained access to cache of ancient Aramaic and Hebrew scrolls in a locked cupboard in the Secret Archives of the Vatican. The existence of two of those documents reveals material about the origins of the New Testament. The priests name was Edmond Bordeaux Szekely and the scrolls he presented to the word provide evidence that the writings upon which Christianity stands are not authentic records, but premeditated forgeries. |
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (1905–1979)
Discoveries Unheeded
The scrolls found in the Secret Archives have profound implications for the church, and their existence provides for a complete reconsideration of the entire orthodox presentation of Christian history. The evidence of the scrolls contradicts church claims that the New Testament constitutes an infallible record against which there is no appeal and provides a vivid new picture of early Christianity's development. The full collection of Szekely's translations was published in various books between 1937 and 1972...they failed to capture popular attention and their importance went unnoticed. The Essene Connection The most important aspect of the discovery of the "Vatican's Scrolls" is that they predated the commencement of Christianity. Mercati and Szekely established from Prologues attached to the scrolls that the writings were originally part of a collection of manuscripts once belonging to the library of the Essenes. The Sinai Bible It was discovered by Dr. Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874), a brilliant and pious German biblical scholar. Without doubt, it is professor Tischendorf to whom modern textual critics of the New Testament owe most. He spent his entire life researching libraries and monasteries throughout Europe ad examining manuscripts old and new. So different was the Sinai Bible from what was then in church use, the priesthood tried every rhetorical device at their disposal to attack its wording. New Testaments predating the Sinai Bible are publicly nonexistent. When the New Testament and the Sinai Bible is compared with a modern-day New Testament, a staggering 14,800 editorial alterations can be identified. These amendments can be recognized by a simple comparative exercise that anybody can and should do. Serious study of Christian origins must emanate from the Sinai Bible's version of the New Testament, not modern editions. Modern Bibles are five times removes in translation from early editions, and disputes rage between translators over variant interpretations of more than 5,000 ancient words. Modern-day versions of the Gospel of Luke have a staggering 10,000 more words than the same Gospel in the Sinai Bible. |
Dr. Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874)
Donation of Constantine Forgery
The Donation of Constantine is one of the most blatant forgeries recorded in world history and later popes knew it was false but used it for 1,000 years to promote their schemes. For fifteen hundred years every document under which the church operated was fictitious; it forged until it had no longer need of forgery, for nothing was left to forge. With the Renaissance its false records were discovered and exposed, and it could commit undetected no further. Chi Ro Fakery By the later church's own admission, the heavenly sign or the Monogram of Christ belonged to fiction and fable, but is still promoted as genuine Christian history. Battle of Milvian Bridge Nonsense That portentous event was invented several centuries after Constantine's death and when the church compiled its Encyclopedia in the 20th century, the tale was further embellished and became truly a false Christ miracle of beauty and wonder. Accepting on Faith Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development are chiefly the New Testament scriptures, the authenticity of which we must, to a great extent, take for granted - (Catholic Encyclopedia) Church Admits Forgery Quoting from the Preface to the Revised Standard Version (1971) of the King James Bible, the Editorial Committee frankly admitted to 'grave defects' in modern Bibles. They use such phrases as 'unauthorized changes' and 'tampered and corrupted texts.' The panel apologizes for the fact that the Bible 'was originally based upon a Greek text that was marred by mistakes containing the accumulated errors of fourteen centuries of manuscript copying. and openly confessed that 'the text that lay before the revisers of 1611 was 'notoriously corrupt.' That damaging Preface has now been quietly removed from newer printings of the Bible. From that 'corrupt' text was born the authorized Bible and the church insists that it is the unadulturated word of God. Adding to the textual jungle, a combined committee of the United Bible Societies in 1982 acknowledged there are still 2,000 disputed passages in the New Testament, and as many as 5,000 ancient words so puzzling that their true interpretations and meaning might never be known. The Church admits that the Epistles of Paul are forgeries, saying, "Even the genuine Epistles were greatly interpolated to lend weight to the personal views of their authors" (Catholic Encyclopedia. Farley Edition. Vol. 7) Bishop Eusebius recorded that his scribes produced 27 divergent readings of just two consecutive passages of the Gospel Luke, and the conflict was associated with the name of Constantine's new God. The Committee responsible for the 1881 Revised Edition of the Authorized Version of the King James Bible reluctantly admitted that they discovered 36,191 mistakes in the previous version and revealed that the newly reconstructed New Testament carried corrections that changed the meaning of 1600 passages. There are 150,000 various readings of the New Testament manuscripts alone, the greatest part of which must be corruptions since there can be but one original reading for any given part - B. A. Hinsdale (Genuineness and Authenticity of the Gospels) Hymn to Zeus Plagiarized Extracts from the Hymn to Zeus, written by Greek philosopher Cleanthes (c. 331-232), are also found in the Gospels. as are 207 words from the Thais of Meander (343-291), one of the "seven wise men" of Greece. Quotes from the semi-legendary Greek poet Epimenides (7th or 6th century BC) are applied to the lips of Jesus Christ, and seven passages from the curious Ode of Jupiter (c. 150 BC: author unknown) are reprinted in the New Testament. Resurrection Forgeries The resurrection verses in today's Gospels of Mark are universally acknowledged as forgeries and the Church agrees, saying "the conclusion of Mark is admittedly not genuine - almost the entire section is a later compilation" (Encyclopedia Biblica. Vol. 2) Apollonius of Tyana 397 John "golden-mouthed" Chrysostom restructured the writings of Apollonius of Tyana, a first-century wandering sage, and made them part of the New Testimonies...The Latinized name for Apollonius is Paulus...and the Church today calls those writings the Epistles of Paul. Apollonius's personal attendant, Damis, an Assyrians scribe, is Demis in the New Testament (2 Timothy 4:10) Constantine Steps In It was...Flavius Constantinus (272-337) who authorized the compilation of the writings now called the New Testament. After the death of his father in 306, Constantine became king of Britain, Gaul, and Spain, and then, after a series of victorious battles, Emperor of the Roman Empire. Christian historians give little or no hint of the turmoil of the times and suspend Constantine in the air, free of all human events happening around him. In truth, one of Constantine's main problems was the uncontrollable disorder among presbyters and their belief in numerous gods. From Constantine's point of view, there were several factions that needed satisfying, and he set out to develop an all-embracing religion during a period of irreverent confusion. In an age of crass ignorance, with nine-tenths of the peoples of Europe illiterate, stabilizing religious splinter groups was only one of Constantine's problems. The smooth generalization. which so many historians are content to repeat, that Constantine 'embraced the Christian religion,' is 'contrary to historical fact' and should be erased from our literature forever (Catholic Encyclopedia. Pecci Edition. Vol. 3) Simply put, there was no Christian religion at Constantine's time, and the Church acknowledges that the tale of his "conversion" and "baptism" are "entirely legendary" (Catholic Encyclopedia. Farley Edition. Vol. 14) Constantine and Sol Invictus About four years prior to chairing the Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol Invictus, one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God (the other was Mithraism). Because of his Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to convene the first of three sittings on the summer solstice, 21 June 325 (Catholic Encyclopedia. New Edition. Vol. 1) The Vatican Scrolls Everything ever said by the church about the development of Christianity is proved false by the publication of the Vatican Scrolls and a full account of the total collection of those old manuscripts now stands before the public in twenty six languages. Fraud Proven The two significant manuscripts provide incontrovertible evidence that the church's presentation of the story of Jesus Christ is false. Found in the Vatican collection were the original exemplars of two major New Testament writings and Szekely revealed his knowledge of what they really were by subtly calling one the Essene Gospel of John, and the other the Essene Book of Revelation. Those scrolls were the forerunner writings of the canonical versions of the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation and their existence provide documentary evidence that the New Testament is a priestly fabrication. The most important aspect of the discovery of the "Vatican Scrolls" is that they predate the commencement of Christianity. Mercati and Szekely established from Prologues attached to the scrolls that the writings were originally part of a collection of manuscripts once belongings of the library of the Essene, one of the three religious sects in the Roman provinces, the other two being Pharisees and Sadducees. Ancient Texts Plagiarized There are ten major extracts in the Vatican Scrolls identical with segments appearing in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the matching passages include five from the Manual of Disciples, two from the Book of Hymns and three from the Thanksgiving Psalms, all written circa 100 BC. Those ancient scrolls are proof of a body of religious ideas existing long before the commencement of the Christian era that subsequently carried into the New Testament. In comparing the wording of the Vatican Scrolls with the New Testament today, it is possible to show that a deceptive underlying motive was evident in the construction of two primary Christian texts. The existence of those documents unlocks a church cover-up that resulted in the examination of the character of the entire New Testament in a critical way...They reveal that the priesthood's presentation of a revelatory origin of Christianity is untrue and that Jesus Christ was non-existent in all now-called Christian texts until the fourth century. When Eusebius and is scribes wrote the first versions of the New Testament they simply chose the most recognized presybter's fables and combined them with the moral principles and early life of Jesu Cunobeline. Tales were plagiarized to create the religion for the new deity and variant doctrines appeared by the international insertion of new and opposing material by later copyists, euphoniously called by the church 'interpolations.' Massacre of the Innocents The mass-murder of baby boys in Bethlehem recorded in the Gospel of Matthew is imagery also taken verbatim from the Krishna story...a reproduction of a massacre story that had its literary origin around 1000 years before the Mahabharata and its plagiarized nature explains why the Gospel descriptions went unrecorded in the annals of world history. Sins of the World ...the religion of India had its crucified victim long before the Council of Nicea and the world had evidence deeply and indelibly carved in old time-chiselled rocks of India that recorded 'Lord and Savior Krishna' atoned for the sins of the guilt-stricken world by 'pouring out his blood as a propitiatory offering' while stretched upon a cross. Krishna went down to hell to preach to the inmates of that dark and dreary prison...After three days, Krishna then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Hindus believe there will be a second coming of Krishna at which time 'stars will fall from the sky' and 'the earth shall tremble.' Gospel of John The Gospel of John is the most problematic of all Christian texts and church analysts themselves noted its insincerity...The churchmen who contributed to the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica supported the falsification: "It (John) has been severely edited, as its closing words make clear; and there is evidence of heavy tampering in the earliest manuscripts, obviously glosses and so forth, as well a sheer muddle." (Encyclopedia Britannica) The church claimed that apostle John wrote both the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation but it would be surprising if John could write at all for he was described in the New Testament as 'a common and uneducated man' (Acts 4:13)...the Vatican Scrolls exposed the author of the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation as anyone in the primitive church except apostle John. The most damaging fact against the genuineness of the Gospel of John is the complete silence of the early presbyters on its existence. The Gospel Jesus did not leave a single written world of his own and the only account of his writing anything was in that New Testament verse, which claimed that he stooped down and wrote with his finger in the sane. As with so many important aspects in the life of Christianity's Jesus Christ, that incident is recorded in modern-day Bibles but does not appear in any of the oldest surviving manuscripts of John's Gospel. The Gospel of John is independent of the synoptics, the entire Gospel being a separate forgery. Gospel of Luke The writings that became the Gospel of Luke...was sent to Theophilius, a presbyter active in Antioch between 169 and 177. At one stage in its life it was called the Gospel of Cerinthus and the deity it portrayed is unknown, but extracts were drawn from it at the Council of Nicea and subsequently became part of the Emperor's 'New Testimonies.' At the Council of Constantinople inn 381, it received the name of Luke, a physician (Therapeute) described in ancient Syriac texts of the New Testament as 'Asaia, the Essaian' or Essene. A Mess of Texts It was the presbyters of the second and third centuries who were responsible for the development of Christian texts and the initial reaction of most non-church people reading their writings is usually one of the bewilderment. Many were unlikely to have studied the works of St. Justin Martyr, Ireneus or Tertullian, or any writings of other early presbyters for that matter. Many of them are almost unreadable and much of what they say is a hotchpotch or crude superstition, credulity and ignorance. By stripping the naivety behind their writings, their comments become simply a series of later forgeries structured into their works in modern times. In spite of the known falsification of its early texts, the church insists on their validity particularly the Gospels, and later chapters unlock the true extent of the forgery in Christian writings. Acts of the Apostles Some speeches applied to Paul in Acts were consciously modeled on an earlier speech of Apollonius of Tyana, recorded in the very records of his life. The church concluded that the authors of the Acts of the Apostles were not present at any speeches they recorded and said that they followed 'the custom of ancient historians in writing the speeches themselves.' In other words, the speeches recorded in Acts and other New Testament books are free compositions i which later authors put into the mouth of others words they considered suitable to the earlier speaker and the occasion. The known falsifications in the Acts of the Apostles establish that its value as a record of history is invalidated and the church admitted that the entire work was pure fiction, as were the other five writings carrying the name of the Acts of the Apostles. Evidence that the whole document is a forgery is confirmed by a passage preserved in the records of St. Jerome. He said that a disciple of Manichaeus (Mani) named Seleucus wrote falsely the Acts of the Apostles, which exhibited matter not for edification, but for destruction, and that the book was approved in a synod, which the ears of the church properly refused to listen. A odd fanatical body of clerics that made up the Council of Trent certified the Epistles, Acts of the Apostles, book of Revelation, and the Gospels, and decreed that it was heretical to question the authenticity of any church writings, just as the Council's decision to bring into the canon the 'inspired' nonsense of Tobias, Judith, Bel and the Dragon, and other later Jewish forgeries. Scandalous Mythmongering Exposed On more than one occasion Paul quoted verbatim from the Gospel of Luke that first appeared documented in history decades after the priesthood said that Paul lived. The fact that one of the main bearers of Christianity quotes from a Gospel universally acknowledged to have been written well after his death places extreme doubt on the authenticity of any material attributed to him. Wholesale Falsification Admitted When discussing the Gospel of John, Eseubius recorded that an Egyptian presbyter called Cerinthus had 'written over' the original document...and that admission revealed the start of centuries of wholesale falsifications to Christian writings. On Paul's writings the church added that 'many quotations are exceedingly obscure, of doubtful or double meaning, and therefore no certain rule for our guidance.' How numerous were early presbyterial writings is judged from the hundreds of these false histories, Gospels, Epistles, and Revelation that survived. It was from such a mass of forgery, fiction and misrepresentation as that array of peculiar writings, with its Gospel of Magic Tricks, the Gospel of Julius Caesar, the Gospel of Eve, the Gospel of Jesus the Sun, the Gospel of St. Helena (Emperor Constantine's mother) and fifth century Epistles carrying the name of Jesus Christ, that the present-day Gospels, themselves counterfeit and bearing names to which they have no right, evolved from the common stream of writings that flowed from the quills of presbyters in the fourth century. Some books were lost in antiquity but are known to have once existed from references by early ecclesiastics. The Essenes Cerinthus was educated in Alexandria and was an associate of Rabbi Ebron's faction of Ebionites who numbered among their sect all the surviving relatives of Jesus. He was directly associated with the Essenes and Nazarenes and was particularly active between the years 160-190. The Catholic Encyclopedia added to Eusebius' record, saying 'there was a series of subsequent authors who added material to the body of the Gospel narrative. That original 'narrative' was the 100 BC Essene religious direction embodying the view of the monks of the Order of the Essenes and was one of the 'secret scrolls' found in the Vatican. "Law" Not "Word" of God By analyzing just the opening and closing verses if those two separate writings it is possible to to establish the worthlessness of the Gospel of John. The opening verse of the original Essene version in the Vatican vaults said: In the beginning was the Law and the Law was with God, and he Law was God. The same was in the beginning with God. Compare with the opening verse of the Gospel of John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. The word 'Law' mentioned in the authentic work was a reference to the summary of Essene religious beliefs that supposed the will and purpose of God was revealed only in the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. The Essenes manifested their faith in God by strictly observing the 'Law' that consisted of 613 commandments generally summarized today as the Ten Commandments. All except for the fourth of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament. Using the forged narrative as its reference and guide, the modern-day church constantly preaches that the Gospel Jesus Christ was the incarnation of God on earth, and the personification of the very 'Word' of God...By placing the Essene writings from the 'Vatican scrolls' side by side with today's Gospel of John it is immediately apparent that parallel passages exist and verbatim parallels are also identical when placing the 'Vatican scrolls' alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls. More Tampering Revealed Other examples of church tampering are seen in the last sentence of the Gospel of John (21:25) that was taken from the Essene document, reedited and forged into Christian writings in the fifth or sixth centuries. The New Testament version reads: ...there are also many things which Jesus did; the which, if they should be written, every one, even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. However, the last verse of the Essene manuscript refers to 'marvelous things' the Essene monks did using 'grasses and wondrous uses of sun and water' in healing the sick, and the last sentences originally read: ...there are also many other things they did, which, if they should be written every one, even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Church scribes simply changed the plural word 'they,' describing the Essene monks as a group, to the singular word 'Jesus,' thus stealing the substance of the sentence and giving it an entirely new complexion. When speaking of the Gospel of John in Volume eight (page 441) of the 1910 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia, the church admitted that 'the correct reading of the text is in many places doubtful.' The Sibylline Texts Few people will have heard of the Sibylline Books and the insight they contain. They are a collection of prophecies written by a woman named Herophile (circa 500 BC) who lived in a cave near the ancient town of Cumae, in Campania, Italy. She was known as the Cumaen Sibyl, and the general population considered her 'a slowly aging but immortal priestess.' The Sybil & Book of Revelation With the discovery of the Vatican Scrolls is it possible to prove the Sibyl's influence reached deeply into the New Testament, for one of those scrolls was written by her and later became the Book of Revelation. For at least the first six centuries of the Christian era, the Sibylline Books held the highest religious authority in the Roman Empire and were cited regularly by presbyters and later bishops. So highly regarded were the Sibyl's prophecies that the fourth century church usurped her second book, inserted short narratives that dealt with Christian characters, said it was a divine revelation given to apostle John by Jesus Christ from heaven, and included it in the New Testament. Church records stated that Cerinthus not only restructured the Essene writing that subsequently became the Gospel of John, but also 'rewrote' the original Sibyl prophecies to create a falsified version that was adjusted against the fourth century when it was added to the New Testament. Cerinthus called his forged document 'Apocalypse,' and to imply an apostolic origin from 'divine revelation' it was re-titled 'Revelation' by Emperor Justinian at the second church council at Constantinople in 553, the same council that officially removed all references to reincarnation from the New Testament. The early church was so concerned that the general populace would learn that its Book of Revelation was a forgery that in 405, the Bishop of Rome ordered Roman general Flavius Stilicho to burn as many copes of the Sibylline Books as he could find. Today the Book of Revelation is the last book of the Christian New Testament and is portrayed as the record of a sueprnatural experience that supposedly happened to apostle John. St. Jerome (347-420) seriously questioned the authorship and authenticity of the Book of Revelation and described it as 'unintelligible nonsense'...the church originally prohibited the publication of St. Jerome's 'genuine' works but during the Reformation they came into the possession of humanitarian and biblical scholar Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536). After translation, Erasmus published Jerome's revealing writings and, to the embarrassment of the church's hierarchy, they were openly read to the general public. The church of Rome was so angry at the exposure that it declared Erasmus auctor damnatus, a damned author and publicly defamed him. ...The Vatican Bible, believed to be the third oldest in the world, does not contain the Book of Revelation, however, the Sinai and Alexandrian Bibles do, being the oldest and second oldest Bibles currently known. Maniacal Church "Fathers" The majority of modern-day Christian writers suppress the truth about the development of their religion and conceal Constantine's efforts to curb the disreputable character of the presbyters who are now called "Church Fathers" - (Catholic Encyclopedia. Farley Edition. Vol. 14) So Much for "Church Fathers" Historical records of the early centuries reference a body of people today called the 'early church fathers,' a term that 'commonly apples to the church writers of the first six centuries.' However, that phrase is a vague generalization only and does not elaborate now hat those men really wrote in the texts that are now authoritative to Christianity. A misconception among Christians today is that apostles passed on Jesus Christ's message to men who were devout bishops of the early church, a theory invalidated by both church and historical records. For the first 30 years 'the primitive church had no organization' and the clergy 'did not have a special title...they were generally called presbyters'... The original meaning of 'presbyter' sheds light on those men for it simply meant 'old man,' and a contraction of it resulted in the Old English word 'priost,' which today is 'priest.' The word 'capilliatrum' translated as 'having long hair' and 'capella' meant 'a dim, dirty fellow'...the now-called 'early church fathers' were beggared entertainers of the public and nothing more. They carried around with them a small collapsible platform on which they stood when they spoke, and in early centuries were generally called 'pulpiteers.' Second-century documents written by Celsus revealed that it was commonly accepted in his time that presbyter's manuscripts were ever-changing compilations of ancient myths and fictional tales, and in those early years there was a great diversity of opinion amongst presbyters about what stories should be 'publicly read.' The word 'fathers' became 'Fathers' and then 'Divine Fathers' or 'Doctors of Divinity,' titles falsely giving bishops and presbyters the status of special and dignified founders of the Christian church...These men were heathen opportunists...Other appellations they adopted were 'Celestine,' 'Honor,' and 'Pious,' later to become 'Pius,' and used by a number of popes into modern times. They accepted money, food, wine, corn, shelter and sex in return for their soapbox performance and were merely 'attached to the trade of oration though the motives of gain.' Early Church Presbyters The desire of modern-day clerics to present early churchmen as a collegiate body of fair-minded senators, moving peaceably towards collective decisions is not reflected in the church's own literature. Well after the Council of Nicea, the war between presbyters continue unabated and every man used his personal followers in violent battles to win the right to become bishop of Rome and live at the luxurious Lateran Palace. The Greats Other noted fathers of the epoch under review will be referenced as the occasion arises...St. Augustine, Jerome, Ambrose, and Gregory the Great...Vast was their output of puerile superstition and their irrational belief was evident by the Migne Collection, a compilation of their writings that comprised 222 ponderous tomes in Latin and 161 in Greek...none of them was guided by honest or critical ability, but by ignorance, superstition and deceit. Jerome the Transvestite Jerome described himself as 'a great favorite with the ladies and dressed like them, for he was a self-confessed transvestite. According to the personal records of Jerome, that Bible was written for 'public readings to the mass of vulgar rabble' and expressed 'in a crude language which most of them appreciated.' Jerome called them 'Asses with two legs' and reading the 'verses for the vulgar' to the masses provided the origin of 'mass' into Christianity. Plenty of Saviors & Gods All kings of Judea were officially called 'God' and that conviction probably started with King Herod who was 'a god and not a man.' The Greek philosopher Pythagoras was still called 'son of God' nine centuries after his death and the Bible named Satan as the 'god of this world.' Roman "Saviors" Caesar was deified by the Roman Senate after his death (15 March 44 BC) and subsequently venerated as "the Divine Julius." The word "Saviour" was affixed to his name...Julius Caesar was hailed as "God made manifest and universal Saviour of human life," and his successor Augustus was called the "ancestral God and Saviour of the whole human race" (See Man and his Gods, by Homer Smith). Emperor Nero (54-68)...was immortalized on his coins as the "Saviour of Mankind." Savage Times Sacrificial worship was a regular occurrence and sometimes the sacrifices were innocent children. Ritual prostitution, cannibalism, incest and bestiality were accepted religious practices reflecting a dedication to a various array of cosmic deities. Many cults were associated with particularly lewd and depraved orgiastic procedures. Rotting bodies hung from stakes and people were stoned to death in the streets or in specially dug pits. On the Sabbath townships were ghost towns and those who dared break the Law of Moses and venture out of their humpies or caves risked being stoned to death. In this respect, the idealistic portrayal of events in the New Testament must be viewed against a backdrop of a vastly different scene than presented in Christian preaching, for it does not reflect the barbarism of the people at the time. They were weird times, and put simply, the Roman Empire teemed with semi-savages, each in their own little religious frenzy, mixed with a generous supply of alcohol and large doses of superstition, magic and divination, and the presbyters entertained them. Celsus' Warning Celsus advised the Roman Senate that presbyters were 'charlatans and vagrants, dangerous to civil ideals of the Roman state, and branded their orations on the marvels of ancient gods as absurd. Emperor Marcus Aurelius ...recorded that followers of presbyters were a strange and distinct class of people given to 'wicked superstitions.' Carnal "Love Fests" Late in the fourth century, Minucius Felex confirmed their bizarre behavior, saying, 'the names of brother and sister hallow fornication as incest. Their foolish superstitions boast of crime, a condemned criminal is the object of their veneration. Finally there is infant murder, cannibalism and the banquet with incestuous intercourse.' The cannibalism associated with the ritual intercourse is reported under the name of Agape and translated to "love feasts" in the New Testament. The fourth to seventh century bishops had great personal problems with 'love feasts' and St. Jerome expressed anger and disgust at Christians for their frenzied participation in the ghoulish activities. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, admitted that his own mother Monica, engaged in the macabre festive banquets and attended meetings in cemeteries under the cover of darkness where human flesh was eaten from the coffins of dead associates. The Bishop of Milan forbade such practices but 'love feasts' were so popular they remained a traditional way of life for many, and were still the subject of discussion at the Trullan Council in 692. Encyclopedia Britannica Professor Samuel Davidson, contributor to Encyclopedia Britannica, noted that the type of men the church fostered in early centuries were 'unenlightened characters of the lowest class and, in general, very inferior intellectually...they were wandering groups of town criers inhabiting a different mental universe, trying to fool the less intelligent with their peculiar views.' Their personal writings showed that they were dishonest, credulous, highly superstitious, self-serving, incompetent rogues and unwilling to deal truthfully with matters they orated to the rabble. Celsus, in common with most Grecians, looked upon their sermons as demanding 'blind faith' that shunned the light of reason. He said: they are always saying 'do not examine. Only believe and thy faith will make thee blessed. Wisdom is a bad thing in life, foolishness is to be preferred.' Tertullian said that 'for where two or three people gathered, there is a chiche (now church), even if they are only rabble.' Hiding the Truth Origen's attempts to dispel the accusations of Celsus failed and St. Augustine subsequently destroyed Celsus' writings early in the fifth century. Copies had been previously created from his work, and were studied in depth by Bishop Eusebius. Origen the Liar Origen was quoted by Jerome as advising presbyters in the church who were 'forced by circumstances to lie,' the need to observe the rules of the art (of lying) and to use the lie when arguing with a disbeliever n order to win that person over to important Christian points. Jerome himself claimed to write in 'a lying manner' and cited in support of the practice, numbers of Greek and Latin Christian writers before him. He named St. Paul as a liar. Forgeries Galore Middleton, in his epochal Free Inquiry into the lying habits and miracles of churchmen, noted 'Many spurious books were forged in the earliest times of the church in the name of Christ and his apostles, which passed upon all the fathers as genuine through several successive ages.' The same author, whose book set England reeling with his exposure of church lies and fraudulent miracles, made this statement summing up his evidence: It will not appear strange to those who have given any attention to the history of mankind, which will always suggest this sad reflection: That the greatest zealots in religion, or the leaders of sects and parties, whatever purity or principles they pretend to have seldom scrupled to make use of a commodious lie for the advancement of what they call truth. And with regard to these very fathers, there is not one of them, as an eminent bishop of ecclesiastical history declares, who made any scruple in those ages of using the hyperbole style to advance the honor of God and the salvation of men. The reference to the 'eminent bishop of ecclesiastical history' was to Eusebius. Lecky, the distinguished author of History of European Morals, devoted substantial research into what he described as 'the deliberate and apparently perfectly unscrupulous forgery' of a whole literature, destined to further the propagation either of Christianity as a whole, or of some particular class of tenets.' He said: During that gloomy period the only scholars in Europe were priests and monks, who conscientiously believed that no amount of falsehood was reprehensible which conduced to the edification of the people. All their writings, and more especially their histories, became tissues of the wildest fables, so grotesque and at the same time so audacious, that they were the wonder of succeeding ages. And the very men who scattered these fictions broadcast over Christendom, taught at the same time that credulity was a virtue and skepticism a crime. What a Compilation The 66 books of the Bible had 42 independent authors, representing 22 occupations living in 7 different countries during an elapsed time span of around 750 years. They used a cast of 2,930 characters in almost as many events that occurred in over 1,550 different locations. So little was known about some authors that their occupations were unclassified. What's Missing? These words are not in the world's oldest Bible:
Doane's "Bible Myths" In 1882, Revered T. W. Doane published a 588 page book called Bible Myths and their Parallels in Other Religions. From a lifetime of research Reverend Doane concluded that church presbyters were not Christians, but marauding capitalists 'and the doctrine of the Heathen orators now goes by the name of 'Christian Tradition.' Morons Inc The nature of the general population of charlatan presbyters and sophisticated people sneered at the rabble for their gullibility. Large communities of people were devoid of even basic education and anybody taking time to study the mental intellect of ancient days would probably be surprised to learn just how simple the people were, even the intelligent ones. Bible Off Limits The basic New Testament canon was no sooner set (between 381 and 387) than the laity was strictly 'forbidden to read the word of God, or to exercise their judgment in order to understand it.'..The word 'hear-say' developed into 'heresy' and people who opposed church opinions were subsequently called 'heretics.' In 860, Pope Nicholas I, sitting high on a throne built specially for the occasion in the town square, pronounced against all people who expressed interest in reading the Bible and reaffirmed its banned public use (Papal Decree). In 1073, Pope Gregory supported and confirmed the band and in 1198, Pope Innocent III declared that anybody caught reading the Bible would be stoned to death by 'soldiers of the church military.' In 1229, the Council of Toulouse...passed yet another Decree 'that strictly prohibits laics from translating them into the vulgar tongue.' By the fourteenth century, possession of a Bible by the laity was a criminal offense and was punishable by whipping, confiscation of real and personal property, and then burning at the stake. On behalf of the church, the thirty clerics involved inn that particular sitting of four sessions [Council of Trent] forbade any unrestricted publication of individual opinion on the authenticity of particularly the Gospels of the New Testament and private judgment was viewed as an act of heresy. Pope Pius IV then confirmed the Decree of the Council of Trent and issued a Bull to the effect that declared burning at the stake the penalty for any non-church person in possession of biblical texts. No person is permitted to read the scriptures in his native tongue without a written license from his bishop, or from an Inquisitor, with the advice of a priest or confessor. He that presumes to read or possess the Bible without such license is punished by a penalty most terrible to a Romanist...and submits to other punishments at the will of his bishop. All young persons are forbidden to read the Bible, because such are never licensed - (Edict of the Council of Trent) |
A Bible chained to the lectern and sealed so only
clergy had access. A layperson caught reading the word
of God was condemned to eternal punishment in Hell.
clergy had access. A layperson caught reading the word
of God was condemned to eternal punishment in Hell.
First Lay-Critics
Robert Young, author of one of two of the better-known Concordances of the Bible, said that in the New Testament 'there are scarcely two consecutive verses where there is not some departure from the original' and 16th and 17th century popes authorized much of that restructuring. Old Testament Inclusion That Fourth Century statement suggests that the Old Testament received as many falsifications as the New Testament supports the early reference to church historians suggesting that sections of the Old Testament were forged to provide 'messianic prophecies' for Constantine's new Roman god. St. Augustine bitterly condemned Jerome's new Bible saying , 'It was so ill-done it crosseth me, I desire it to be burnt,' but Jerome retaliated, saying to Bishop Chromatus, 'If he (Augustine) did not like it, he didn't have to read it.' Enforcing the Dogma The fear held over simple people was strengthened when a bishop holding a bundle of handwritten papyrus scrolls high in the air, stood up at the Council of Toledo in 632 and declared: 'This is the Holy Bible...believe it or be damned...believe it to be the word of God or burn forever in a lake of fire.' That extraordinary claim has had staggering effects on the minds of millions of people as the church established a system to enforce an untrue belief in what it told the rabble were 'inspired' writings. The Toledo declaration was reinforced at the Council of Trent nearly a thousand years later when the church again declared everlasting punishment in a lake of fire as penalty for non-belief in dogma taught from its New Testament. "Christian" or "Khrestian" The exact date that the name 'Christian' came into being is unknown but the church claims that it was recorded in the Acts of the Apostles that was introduced to the world in 190 by Bishop Ireneus. That narrative revealed that the name Christian originated in the city of Antioch and the context in which it was presented suggested that it was applied to a group of people by outsiders. However, that word was originally Khrestians, the brutal Galilean followers of Judas Khrestus, and was subsequently rewritten to read 'Christians' in the 12th century: The mob that gave Khrestians their name hated them for their crimes, their leader had been put to death under Pontius Pilate, but the deadly superstition spread throughout Judea and even Rome. Some confessed their faith and were arrested; on their testimony, a multitude were convicted of arson, but also of hatred of the human race - Emperor Theodosius I
Jesus Christ, the Name It is important to note that final formatting of the name 'Jesus Christ' was not settled until the time of the Reformation (14-17th centuries), for up until then it had several renditions such as Yesu Khrestus, Yeshoua Khrestus, Yeshoua Krst, and Yeshu Kristos. One 6th century Greek New Testament records Hesus Krishna in the places now occupied by Jesus Christ in modern Bibles, revealing that a combination of the Druidic and Oriental gods was once the deity of Christianity. Jesus & Horus The Krst name applied to Horus was found carved in the Palermo Stone, the largest and best preserved of the six basalt stones originally uncovered in the tomb of a 1000 BC Pharaoh of Egypt now displayed at the Palermo Museum at Palermo in Sicily. ...the Krst figure was regarded as the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man. ...the Pagan origins of the Christ's name was 'everywhere suppressed.' The church admits that the terms 'Christian' or 'Christianity' did not derive from the person of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, but from Heathen origins. Suppressing the Book of Enoch When analysts compared the Book of Enoch with wording from the New Testament, they established that its narratives provided frequent New Testament expressions and vital verses, particularly in the Gospel of Mark. The similarities were striking for over 100 Gospel phrases found direct parallels in the Book of Enoch, in many cases, word-for-word.
Dr. H. H. Charles, one of several translators of the Book of Enoch, noted that 'It is impossible to see Matthew, Mark and Luke in true perspective unless we place them against the background of the Book of Enoch.' The church agreed, saying 'It had left its imprint on the New Testament and the works of the early fathers...St. Augustine supposed the work to be a genuine one of the patriarchs.' ...the term 'son of man,' used approximately eighty times in the Gospels, found on-going elaboration throughout the Book of Enoch with Enoch himself called 'the son of man.' The coincidence of language, and ideas in Enoch and the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of Paul, as disclosed in parallel passages, clearly indicate that the Book of Enoch was an inexhaustible source from which Gospels writers borrowed many of their conceptions of Jesus's sayings. The very word Enoch means 'initiated.' In the fabrication of Constantine's New Testament, Eusebius also drew on verses from the Book of Enoch and that provided the motive for the church later denouncing, banning and cursing the book. Observant Bible readers realize that at least one copy of the Book of Enoch was in circulation during early centuries for it is referred to by name and quoted as 'inspired scripture' in the New Testament Book of Jude. The writings of the early church record that the now canonical Book of Jude was initially rejected from the canon for the very reason of its acceptance of the dogma of the Book of Enoch...The Book of Jude was eventually included in the canon inn 397, some 16 years after it was rejected at the first Council of Constantinople in 381. The Virgin Birth It is possible to write an entire book to expose the fabricated nature of the Gospel virgin birth narratives, but the church stepped forward and admitted that those passages are fictitious. New Testaments written following the Council of Nicea did not include virgin birth narratives and, from church records, it is possible to show that they were added into the Gospels sometime in the fifth century. Mother of God The church noted that 'the reader of the Gospels is at first surprised to find so little about Mary...this obscurity has been studied at length.' So how did the non-historic and formerly insignificant Mary come today to hold the status of Mother of all Christians and Queen of Heaven? It is asked why presbyters never mentioned the mother of Jesus, yet their modern-day counterparts extend such reverence for their now-beloved virgin mother. Christian history she was not honored for hundreds of years and prayers were not addressed to her until 593. Holy Ghost In the New Testament the Holy Ghost was represented variously as a person, a spirit, the wind, an ointment, a tangible body, an invisible substance of the neuter gender and the author of a revelation or inspiration. Thirteen various persons, entities, emotions or things are translated as Ghost or Holy Ghost while no mention of such an entity is referenced in the Old Testament. The Pagan Cross The ancient Roman symbol of gods on crosses was soon to make its way into Emperor Constantine's new religion of Jesu Khrestus. The church confessed that 'there is no proof of the use of a cross until much later' than the sixth century and archives recorded that its general use was ratified at the Sixth Ecumenical Council in 680. The Council decreed that 'the figure of a man fastened to a cross be now adopted,' and that statement is documented in church history. It was 'not until around the 13 century AD' that the custom of portraying Jesus Christ suffering on a cross began to fully develop. Origin of Islam Mohammed (570-632)...real name Lothar Schmalfus. Ancient Christian writings recorded a remarkable revelation about Mohammed's early life and revealed the true reason for the commencement of the Islamic faith. The reference is found in a book called Chronica Majora, a summary of world history from biblical creation to the year of the author's death. It was written by Matthew Paris (d. 1259), a pious Christian monk... It is well known that Mohammed was once a cardinal, and become heretic because he failed to be elected pope. Also (later in life) having drunk to excess, he fell by the roadside, and in this condition was killed by swine. And for that reason, his followers abhor pork even unto this day. Incoming clerics were naive about true Christian origins and the basis of their preaching was not revealed until they advanced and maintained the office of bishop. They were then eligible to enter the College of Cardinals, and after swearing a vow of secrecy, were enlightened as to the invented nature of the Christian deity. Mohammed had achieved the position of cardinal, knew the false essence of Christianity, and having been passed over for the top job at around the age of forty, departed and established his own religion. From the position of cardinal, Mohammed knew the church's farcical presentation of its deity and confirmed that Jesus was 'verily a true prophet of Allah and a grand man: But lo! His disciples all went insane on day, and made a God of him.' In the Koran he added this extraordinary passage, 'and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on a cross.' |
A wealthy Arabian lady, who was a faithful follower of the pope, played a tremendous part in the drama. She was a widow named Khadijah…Her job was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. She soon found young Muhammad, and they were married…Under orders from the Vatican, Roman Catholic Arabs across North Africa began spreading the story of a great one…who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their god – Rev. Jack Chick
By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet Muhammad. In their “holy” book, the Koran, Jesus is regarded only as a prophet. If the pope was His representative on earth, then, he also must be a prophet of god…which caused the followers of Muhammad to fear and respect the pope as another “holy man.” The pope moved quickly, and issued bulls granting the Arab generals permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa. The Vatican helped to finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three special favors:
The pope’s plans failed miserably. Instead of giving Jerusalem to the pope, the Moslems built their sacred building, Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem on the very site of the old Jewish temple, thus making Jerusalem the second most holy place next to Mecca, in the whole Islamic world…The Vatican was outraged. War was inevitable. Temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic right of the pope. He wouldn’t think of sharing it with what he considered heathens. The pope raised up his armies and called them crusades to hold back the children of Ishmael from grabbing Catholic Europe. The wars continued for centuries…and Jerusalem slipped out of the pope’s grasp - ibid |
The Trinity
The word 'Trinity,' or the express doctrine as such, is not recorded in any of the oldest manuscripts of the Old or New Testaments, and is not found in any individual Greek or Latin manuscript written earlier than the sixth century. The modern priesthood fiercely defends the Trinity doctrine despite the fact the principle emanated from an acknowledged fictitious addition to their already simulated text. Justin Martyr St. Justin Martyr was a mid-second century presbyter and author whose writings revealed the non-existence of Christian Gospels in his time. Over past decades Christian apologists consistently mislead the public into believing that the Gospels emerged between the years 65-95, but ancient literature failed to show any trace of acquaintance with, or the use of, Christian Gospels at the time of Justin Martyr. The Church Benefits With disinformation founded of false documents, the church perpetuated itself and consolidated its powers. Over the centuries it amassed amazing wealth with a series of further and more secular forgeries of the canonical Gospels, Epistles, Acts of the Apostles and Revelation, countless other ecclesiastical documents were commissioned to provide records to support claims of an original divine inspiration. ...books written genuinely challenging the validity of Christianity never reached the mass-market audience for they were banned, and then listed on the church's restrictive Index of Prohibited Books. ...forgery and interpolations as well as ignorance had wrought mischief on a great scale - Catholic Encyclopedia Massive Redaction of the Word of God A special censoring office called Index Expurgatorius was established and its purpose was to prohibit publication of 'erroneous' passages of the 'early church fathers,' that carried statements opposing modern-day doctrine. When Vatican archivists came across 'genuine copies of the Fathers, they corrected them according to the Index Expurgatorius, and that church record provides researchers with grave doubts about the value of all patristic writings released by the church to the public. It may be remembered that the Council of Trent pledged that the manuscripts of the Fathers were the Oracles of God, unanimous and infallible. Forgery Admitted Again The later church admitted that records left by Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria and Origen make 'false quotations,' and confessed that falsifications written into their works were 'fathered upon them.' Evidence from church documents reveals that any reference to Jesus Christ or Christianity in church writings predating the Council of Nicea in 325 are priestly forgeries retrospectively applied, and the church confirmed that knowledge saying 'The history of some ages was composed solely by the servile agents of the Pope, and for along time none dared to question his pretenses without being stigmatized as a heretic, and actually treated as such. Dr. Tischendorf's research revealed that Bishop Irenaeus' reference to 'twelve apostles' was forged into his records by a 17th century church editor and '668 new works of a Christian flavor' were added to the Book of Revelation in 1780. The church forgery mill ground away for centuries and the falsification it produced were, in many cases, taken as truth and thus the very soul of Christian history is vexed. Church "Encyclopedias" The word 'encyclopedia' as applied to church compilations is a misnomer, for they are not encyclopedias in the true sense of the understanding, but volumes of apologies and false positives. and contain little historical fact. The Catholic Church, in particular, was horrified by revelations that were printed and, realizing something had to be done, circuitously arranged for a group of Roman Catholic businessmen ro purchase the Encyclopedia Britannica. After the publication of the 11th Edition in 1898, the change of ownership was complete, and in a few years new editions that were void of the 'offending' material superseded earlier versions that had not been ordered destroyed.
Thomas L. Thompson In 1992, the international media released new that 'the first ten books of the Old Testament are fiction,' and the ecclesiastical world reacted with shock, quickly dismissing the claim as 'outrageous.' Those books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel 1 & 2, Kings 1 & 2, and it was Professor Thomas Thompson of the Marquette University at Milwaukee who publicly announced to the world that the Bible was not true. Conclusive Proof of Fraud Within that scriptural dating lies a fatal weakness, one that discredits the whole of the Old and New Testaments as books of history. Decades of incontrovertible evidence that Jerusalem was not in existence at the time the Bible says it was. Extensive excavations and investigations of major sites in Palestine produced no historical or archaeological evidence whatsoever to support the existence of Jerusalem until a much later period in time. ...Professor Thompson concluded that Jerusalem became the capital of a regional state in the course of the 7th century BC, and not 500 years earlier, as biblical chronology dates it. Jerusalem was then only a small self-governing village, one of around 100 that developed throughout Palestine during that time, each with a population of around two hundred people and a village head addressed as lord. Old Testament (Torah) The church admitted that stories in the Torah were 'fictitiously projected backward,' a statement that supported another learned opinion that said 'we are not able to to speak of any portion of the Torah as history.' ...the fundamental structure of the chronological sequence of events portrayed in the Old Testament is false. The findings of Professor Thompson, one of the world's foremost authorities on biblical archaeology has the backing of world experts including the British Museum that praised the Professor's endeavor. Moses Didn't Exist In his book, The Early History of the Israelites, Professor Thompson provided powerful evidence that major Old Testament characters Moses, Jacob and Abraham are mere fictions. His research also provided proof that kings Saul, David and Solomon did not exist in actual historical reality, the sources for the biblical stories being derived from strands of ancient oral tradition consisting of folktale, legend and saga, built up around very remote, and unknown, fold heroes. The Encyclopedia Biblica (1914), in its article on 'Names,' confirmed Professor Thompson's findings saying that names of the Old Testament patriarchs are artificial and 'originally had some special meaning.' That explains why the names and the stories associated with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Solomon and David appear only once in recorded history of mankind and that is in the Bible.
Genealogy of Jesus The conclusion reached is that references to David and Solomon in the New Testament fiction and the inclusion of their names in a genealogy developed by the church for Jesus clearly indicates an intention to deceive. The Nazareth Lie An overwhelming body of ancient documentary evidence reveals that the city of Nazareth did not exist in the first four centuries. The 1990 edition of the Encyclopedia of Early Christianity made the first 600 years of Christian history its special study, but failed to record an entry under 'Nazareth.' The New Testament is the sole 'evidence' for the existence of the city and the entire structure of the church is built upon its invisible foundations. Another explanation for the non-existence of 'Nazareth' is that it was originally a term for the Zodiac.
Golgotha Golgotha, like Nazareth, was also unknown before being recorded in the Gospels and it appears that the original translation of the word was Gilgal, that being a megalithic circle of vertical stones, also called a cromlech. In the Old Testament, a 'Gilgal' consisting of twelve vertical stone pillars was set up by Joshua after crossing the river Jordan. Homosexual Haven The records of early ecumenical councils revealed that the Christian priesthood was originally founded on a base system of homosexuality. From its earliest days the institution of the church had a recorded history of attracting homosexual clergymen and that feature was a major factor in their progression to a hierarchical position....homosexuality was encouraged and favorably received. The reader who examines the records and history of the church councils cannot fail to be amazed at priesthood behavior and their unrestrained abandonment of moral principles. Bad Popes Many of the popes were men of most abandoned lives. Some were magicians, others were noted for sedition, war, slaughter and profligacy of manners, for avarice and simony. Others were not even members of Christ, but the basest of criminals, and enemies of all godliness - (Catholic Encyclopedia) In March 2002 Pope John Paul II broke two decades of silence on the worldwide scandal of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests and admitted that their sordid double standards challenged the moral preaching that the church was still trying to portray. Conclusion The false nature of the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation is evidence enough to cast discredit on the entire edifice of Christianity and o amount of sophistry is able to contradict the new evidence. The futility of priesthood claims about Jesus Christ is revealed with the Vatican scroll discovery that invalidates church claims of divine inspiration for its writings and exposes the emptiness of Christian preaching. The fervor with which the work of suppression, misrepresentation, deception and concealment of real church history was conducted, makes the guilt of successors of the founding fathers as great as that of those who established the system. For people who accept the church and its preaching without questioning, nothing more can be said; but any inquiring person undertaking the the task of simply comparing oldest Bibles with newest Bibles will see how believing Christians were deliberately deceived for 1600 years by men who present themselves as paragons of morality. |
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Secret in the Bible
by Tony Bushby
Secret in the Bible
by Tony Bushby
In this important book Bushby offers a revealing esoteric analysis of the Bible. Drawing on the translations of Rosicrucian and Mason Sir Francis Bacon, Bushby brings to light many encoded secrets missed by most readers and scholars. These secreted motifs include mysteries about the design and purpose of the Great Pyramid, Hebrew alphabet and Major Arcana of the Tarot. Keys of Decipherment The literature of the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries was permeated with ciphers, few of which have ever been decoded…In addition to the simple pictorial cipher, there is the more technical form in which, for example, words or letters are concealed by the number of stones in a wall, by ripples on the surface of water, or by the length and order of lines used in shading. The shape, height or proportion of a building, the folds on a person’s garment, were all used to conceal definite figures or characters which could be exchanged for letters or words by a person acquainted with the code. The key necessary for their decipherment sometimes accompanies the pictorial cryptograms. Discipline of the Secret In the Fourth Century, leading advocates of the Christian church developed a secret worship from which a major portion of the public was excluded, and the custom of communicating only to a portion of the community became known as the ‘Disciplina Arcani,’ or ‘The Discipline of the Secret.” The privacy of the sacred rites performed was guarded with the utmost care from the obtrusive eyes of all who were not qualified to be present. Saint Gregory (Bishop of Constantinople 540-604) You have heard as much of the Mystery as we are allowed to speak openly in the ears of all: the rest will be communicated to you in private; and that you must retain within yourself…our Mysteries are not to be made known to strangers. Moses Maimonides Every time that you find in our books a tale, the reality of which seems impossible, a story that is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the take contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth…and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of spirit. The Leo–Lion The lion was the symbol for the first degrees of initiation, the sign which allowed the opening of the book, so to speak. It possibly represented the royalty of initiation, the status that comes with being aware of what is concealed. Eleusinian Mysteries Probably the most famous of later Mysteries were the Eleusinian, whose rites were celebrated mainly in the village of Eleusis near Athens to honor Demeter. In 1374 BC, the King of Eleusis, Eumolpos, spent seven years at the Great Pyramid in Egypt completing his initiation and, after returning home, started his Mystery School patterned on Egyptian teachings. For the next twelve hundred years, his descendants, the Eumolpidae, presided over the Eleusinian Mysteries as Hierophants. They were famous throughout Greece for the beauty of their philosophic concepts and their high standards of morality that they demonstrated in their daily lives. The Eleusinian Mysteries survived all others in a degenerated form and ceased to exist as an institution in 438 when, by a general edict of proscription, they were abolished by Emperor Theodosius (self-styled the ‘Great’) who destroyed those who did not accept the Christian faith. Books of Moses The modern church conceded that Moses never wrote the books of the Bible that it maintained for 2000 years he did. Up until the late 1960s millions of Bibles carried the words, ‘The Books of Moses’ in their subject index. Serpents As long as humanity kept records of its existence, serpents were used as emblems of the intelligence of God. In ancient times and as widespread and diverse as Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Babylon, Sumeria, Egypt, India, and Central America, serpents were feared and worshiped as gods for thousands of years. If there is a common origin to the mythology of the serpent, it may have developed at the Great Pyramid of Giza. To this day, serpents or dragons signify divine heritage and royalty in many Asian countries, while in the West the serpent represents wisdom and knowledge. The Rainbow Serpent (In the Capstone Benben) When the plastic or metal reproduction of the Rainbow Serpent is slowly revolved, 22 different shaped shadows are cast from that one element and those shapes directly make up the 22 separate letters of the alphabet that the Torah was written in. Put in the simplest terms, the alphabet in which the Torah of the Bible was originally and secretly written was one composed of a series of 22 cosmic glyphs that emanated with 22 cosmic glyphs that emanated with 'splendour and power in the form of a serpent' from a vertical spiral of light in the Benben on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Evidence of that knowledge points directly at the undeniable input of a higher intelligence, a superior mind source." (Here for more...) With the Sun shining on it, a huge Rainbow Serpent was created and could be seen from miles away. Since the pyramid form was the only method to generate (or create) the Rainbow Serpent, the serpent became the symbolic form of initiates. The Book of the Dead said initiates into the Egyptian Mysteries entered ‘a serpent bright and shiny.’ …and he drew nigh to a large structure which was built of crystal…and containing tongues of flame…and the aslant walls of the structure were covered with a tessellated flow of crystal…and its base was of crystal – (The Book of Enoch) Letters of Light (Serpent Script) When the plastic or metal reproduction of the Rainbow Serpent is slowly revolved, 22 different shaped shadows are cast from that one element, and those shapes directly make up the 22 separate letters of the alphabet that the Torah was written in. Put in the simplest terms, the alphabet in which the Torah of the Bible was originally and secretly written was one composed of a series of 22 cosmic glyphs that emanated with ‘splendor and power in the form of a serpent’ from a vertical spiral of light in the Benben on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. It is not the words in the Bible that are inspired by God…it is the shape of the letters in which those words were originally written that is divine. This is why the prophet Ezra warned” “Thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.” The Fourth Pyramid of Giza (The Black Pyramid) As to the fourth pyramid it is some one hundred feet more than the third. It is without coating, closed and resembles the others, but without any temple like the first. It has however one particular deserving remark; which is, that its summit is terminated by a single great stone, which seems to have served as a pedestal…the fourth pyramid has been made, upwards above the middle, of a stone more black than the common granite, and at least as hard. Its summit is of a yellowish stone... – (From Norden) That extraordinary persona description of a fourth major pyramid at Giza and numerous previously unknown smaller ones, immediately negates the modern-day presentation of the Sphinx and the three familiar pyramids being the original extent of foremost structures on the Giza plateau. Ancient confirmation of a Black Pyramid at Giza is found in the most unexpected tradition…the Sacred legends of the New Zealand Maori. Masons Destroy Black Pyramid A record of the destruction of the Black Pyramid was found in Masonic literature and revealed that work commenced in 1759 and took ten months to complete. A Scottish faction of the Masonic movement was responsible for its demise that was motivated by the possible discovery of hidden treasure. They took the initiative to dismantle the structure with the support of the English Freemasons who were promised a share of proceeds from any discovery to finance the expansion of their movement. On the Pyramid On the Eastern or Great Pyramid, built by the ancients, the celestial spheres were inscribed, likewise the positions of the stars and their circles, together with the history and chronicles of past times, of that which is to come, and of every future event. Also one may find there the fixed stars and what comes about in their progression from one epoch to another…and images made of their forefathers’ creations. The remains of those Giza pyramids, including the Black Pyramid, were removed before the advent of photography in the 1840s, for they do not appear on any of the oldest photos of the Pyramid Plateau currently available. Babylon (and its Tower) Originally in Egypt …the original location of Babylon was at a suburb now called Old Cairo in Cairo city, and named after an ancient god called Babylon…the ancient site of Per-hapi-en-on was the site of the original Babylon and it was an integral part of the Great Pyramid complex. According to tradition, both the Tower of Babel and the Hanging Gardens were build at Babylon and the conclusion reached in this premise is that they were originally build at the ‘first Babylon’ in Cairo. Both Strabo…and St. Epiphanius of Salamis recorded that the original site of Babylon was in Egypt, and as recent as 250 years ago, Cairo was identified on maps as ‘formerly Babylon’…The Mesopotamian Babylon was a much later development…settled by emigrants who ‘migrated from the east…and found a plain in the land of Shinar…There they established themselves, built a brick replica of the tower or ziggurat that stood within sight of the Nile at the ‘first Babylon,’ and called their new ‘sister city’ after the original. Old Cairo in downtown modern Cairo today, was called Babylon, ‘the gate to the god at ON,’ and the eyes of the Sphinx looked directly at it. Underground Cities Historical documents recorded that during the 20th Century, staggering discoveries not spoken of today were made at Giza and Mt. Sinai, and Egyptian rumors of the discovery of another underground city within a 28-mile radius rumors of the discovery of the Great Pyramid abound. In 1964, more than 30 enormous mutlileveled sub-surface cities were discovered in the old Turkish kingdom of Cappadocia. One city alone contained huge caverns, rooms and hallways that archaeologists estimated supported as many as 2,000 households, providing living facilities for 8,000 to 10,000 people. Their very existence constitutes evidence that many such subterranean worlds lie waiting to be found beneath the surface of the Earth. The Missing Capstone The Great Pyramid is certainly a true pyramid and temple records confirm that it was void of its Benben for at least 4000 years. Sumerians Steal the Capstone It appears the Sumerians were in possession of the Benben around 2100 BC, but Egyptian texts record that it was back in the original ‘Temple of the Benben at Heliopolis some 1350 years later. Because the Benben was back in Heliopolis in 750 BC, the Egyptians had obviously retrieved it from ‘new Babylon’ but nothing was recorded that could be associated with the time or events of its recovery. Essenes The Essene movement, one of the three religious sects that flourished in the Roman provinces around the commencement of the Christian era, was specifically established to preserve the secret. Panthers The name given to the original hidden mysteries and the priests who taught it. Cult of Mithras/Panthers Candidates who successfully passed the Mithraic initiations were also called ‘Panthers’ and were marked on their foreheads in ochre with the sign of the Egyptian ankh-cross. For some reason, the word ‘Panther’ was substituted for ‘Lion’ in the 15th Century when printing presses first came into being. Herodotus Herodotus’ writings lead his readers to understand that all Secret Schools of the ancient world were branches from the original Panther teachings and were channels of other countries through which one basic philosophic principle was disseminated. Herodotus asserted that the Mysteries known to the Greek priests were originally derived directly from Egyptian temples. Enoch The word meant “initiated.” |