The Biography of Satan
by Kersey Graves
The Biography of Satan
by Kersey Graves
Hell and Damnation
The belief in a cruel after-death punishment is (as we have already shown) the prolific source, on their own account of groundless and tormenting, fears to all its believers. It is also the source of a fearful amount of the most painful unhappiness to millions of the human race in dread apprehension of the fate of their friends, even when but little is entertained on their own account. The post mortem punishment doctrine taught by the Christian world, invests the Deity with a character absolutely dishonorable and disgraceful, if not blasphemous, by representing him as morally capable of inflicting the most excruciating punishment upon the major portion of his children, whereas he would be a cruel and hateful monster if he should thus punish one of his subjects for a single day. Feminization converts the Christian world into cowards, instead of moral heroes, by appealing solely to the organ of fear the basest of human motives instead of to the natural love of virtue implanted in the human mind. Forceful Conversion It has caused the butchery, the bloody slaughter of millions of the human race by the efforts used to convert them, and "the rest of mankind" to the true religion, in order to "save their souls from Hell." Belief in the Devil The belief in Devil obsession and endless punishment has caused more than one hundred thousand human beings to be tortured to death in various ways by "Christians" who believed in the superstitious notion of witchcraft. Convenient Afterthought There is abundance of historical testimony to prove that no nation in its earlier history not even "God's holy people," had any idea or conception of the existence of a prime originator of evil, or "tempter of souls," separate and apart from God himself.
No Satan in Judaism The proof that the early Jews (Hebrews or Israelites, rather), like the heathen at a still earlier period, were entirely ignorant of, and had no conception of, the existence of a Devil, or distinct evil principle, and ascribed all evil and all crime, as well as all goodness, to God, is of a threefold character:
Serpent of Genesis we are told that Mother Eve was beguiled by a serpent to eat an apple. But a serpent is not a Devil, according to our dictionaries, but a snake.
God the liar, exposed in the first chapters and verses of Genesis, alters what we know about evil and its source. If the serpent is not Satan or the Devil, what is he? (Here for more...)
God as Father of Lies
Graves rightly points out the glaring contradiction found in the Book of Genesis. in John 8:344, Satan is accused as the "father of lies." Yet we find that in Genesis, it was Jehovah not the serpent who spoke falsely. Jehovah declared that if Adam and Eve ate of the tree, they'd die (Gen 2:4). This did not occur. Adam did eat of the tree and yet he lived for 930 years, becoming father of innumerable sons and daughters. Eve also lived on. The serpent told Adam and Eve, "You shalt not surely die." (Gen 3:4) The serpent tells Eve that if she eats of the tree she'll "be as gods knowing knowing good and evil." (Gen 3:4) However, as the text clearly confirms, the "father of lies" told the truth. It's admitted by Jehovah himself when he tells the Elohim, "behold the man has become one of us, to know good and evil." (Gen 3:22) So, the serpent had told Adam and Eve the truth, whereas Jehovah lied. As Graves states: How then can the Serpent-Devil be justly charged with deceiving our first parents, when God himself thus admits he told them the truth?