Excerpts From
Wherever the Solar Cult people traveled they tried to destroy all previous Cults, and if they could not obliterate these entirely, they imposed as much as possible of their own, and absorbed previous phases into their own - Albert Churchward
Albert Churchward (1852-1925) was the younger brother of the great scholar of prehistory James Churchward, who established the plausible existence of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. Taking his lead from Gerald Massey, Albert made a critical in-depth study of the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. By deciphering their strange complicated symbolism and rites, he set about exposing the true roots of Judaism and Christianity. His particular interest and study was the history and influence of the great cults of antiquity, particularly the Stellar, Lunar and Solar. Among Churchward's monumentally important works are the following:
Throughout these extraordinary books Churchward deftly shows how later edifices of religion plagiarized and cannibalized key elements from the cults of antiquity. Seminal leitmotifs from their antique mythos were appropriated and rescripted by Jewish and Christian mythmongers. It was a process that not only involved wholesale desecration, but centuries of text confiscation and destruction by burning. |
I believe at the present day that there are many who are striving and working to know the truth, and these will increase in number until they find it - Albert Churchward
Jewish Mythmongers
Modern research sees in ancient Hebrew literature nothing but a succession of editorial scribes, including Ezra and Nehemiah, who exercised free discretion in correcting, interpolating, and transposing the contents contents of ancient Egyptian records which they could not understand, and in even canonizing the recent compositions of anonymous authors in the name of ancient prophets. Modern research discovers in the Hebrew writings a composite work, not as the autogram of the Hebrew legislator, but as the editorial patchwork of mingling Semitic legends with cosmopolitan myths, which were copied from the Egyptians, either directly or indirectly, but without the gnosis. Older than Osiris The first phase of the Solar Cult was that of Tem and Tum brought on from the Stellar and Lunar Cults under the name of Atum-Iu as the child (Tem) and Atum-Ra as the father (Tum); it was far older than the Osirian Cult,which might be termed a continuation of it under different names. Word Made Flesh At first, child Horus was the word made flesh as Logos of the mother, who in this Cult was Hathor-Iusas in relation to Tum or Atum-Ra. Next he was the word made truth as sayer of the father and teacher of the greater mysteries. Lord of All Tum, in the Ritual, is pre-eminently "the lord." In one Chapter (79) he is addressed as "the lord of heaven," "the lord of life," "the lord of all creatures," "the lord of all." Thus the Ritual contains "the sayings of the Lord."
Atum, who comes as the one god in the form of man, is hailed in the Ritual as the lord of heaven, who "issues forth from the earth and createth whatever is begotten," and "who giveth vigour to the men now living." The Suffering Savior The original legend of the suffering and descent of the Great Spirit on earth in the form of a man was during the Stellar Cult. Neith At first in the Stellar Cult all his powers and attributes were represented in zootype forms and mythologically depicted as the son of the virgin Neith. It was in the earliest history of man that the great God came and gave his "Logos" to man.
The Four Apostles Har-Ur was one of the earliest names given to the great God: he who came on earth "in the form of a man" to give the message to his people forguidancefor future generations. It is said in the Ritual that he instructed his brothers (four brothers or disciples) up to the regions of the primary Mystery, the Mystery within the veil, the veil that was rent in death which is before all Mysteries, because it is the Mystery of the One Eternal God and the son who issues from the father in his likeness, which two were one. Ra After the advent of the Solar Cult, the deities from previous cults were appropriated and incorporated into the pantheon. At this time the syllable Ra was added to their names, as in the case of Sobek-Ra, Atum-Ra and Amen-Ra, etc - Mtsar Amen is another name for Atum - Mtsar In the hymns to Amen-Ra be is adored as one and the same as Atum, which shows that Amen is a later name for Atum; and he is represented as "the bidden god" of Amenta, or "the secret earth." Amen is the one god who is always depicted in the human form and who enters Amenta in the shape of a man for the overthrow of Apap the monster and all the powers of evil.
Amen (or Atum-Iu or Atum-Ra or Atum-Hui) was the only deity in all Egypt who was expressly worshiped by the title of "Ankhu," or the ever-living one eternal God. |
Tum of Heliopolis, one of the earliest Egyptian creator gods, always representing in human form. He is identical to the later Atum-Ra, the "Self-Produced" or Immaculate One. All created beings emerge from his great eye (the Pole Star). To the Stellar Cult he was a god associated with the pole or central earth axis. There were seven great stations of the pole, seven pole stars, and seven primordial deities associated with them. The original seven sacred nomes along the Nile were styled on these heavenly "cities." They were terrestrial parts of her great celestial body. The imagery and traditions of the Stellar Cult were appropriated by the later Solar Cult.
Ptah was in one phase the father of Amen or Atum-Ra.
Ptah is represented in the form of a pygmy, and his Ari are seven little pygmies, the Egyptians having taken the type from the primordial or first human evolved from the anthropoid ape in Africa - AC
The Great Cults As each Cult succeeded the previous one, the first object would be to destroy, as far as possible, all traces of the former, or at least all that could not be brought on or amalgamated into the new cult. Stellar Cult The Stellar Cult existed for at least three hundred thousand years, as witnessed by records found and still extant...The remains and ruins of the large cities and Temples found throughout the world were mostly built by these people. They worked out all the revolutions of the Sun, Moon and Stars, and the Ritual of Ancient Egypt upon which all doctrines throughout the world have been founded. The old Stellar Cult was followed by the Lunar and then the Solar. It was during the Stellar Cult that we have the first record of the Great Spirit descending to communicate directly with man.
There was no "father God" until the Solar Cult came into existence, when they evolved a higher concept of the Great Spirit.
The Mysteries were a dramatic mode of communicating the secrets of primitive knowledge in Sign Language when this had been extended to the Astronomical Mythology, and the Egyptian Urshi or Astronomers were known by the title "Mystery teachers of the heavens."
Seven Stations of the Pole In the Great Year of precession there are seven stations of the celestial pole. The pole changes, and its position is approximately determined by another central star about each 3,689 years.
When the Stellar Cult was founded, the seven Pole Stars of Ursa Minor had been identified and established in the circle of precession; six of these were ever moving with the sphere, but there was always one remaining fixed at the centre.
...the Stellar Cult priests having all details connected with the astronomical and mathematical problems, as their knowledge on these matters was far superior in every way than that of the Solar Cult priests. In the Solar Cult "the place of coming forth" had been given to Horus (as typified by the Sun) in the East, and the East therefore became "The Holy Land" of the Solar Cult people, in place of the earliest Ta-Neter or "Holy Land" of the earlier Egyptians,
The secret of the sanctity of the Hebrew writings is that they were originally Egyptian. The wisdom of old, the myths, parables, and dark sayings that were preserved, have been presented to us dreadfully deformed in the course of being converted into history. The Great Bear In the Stellar Cult the Great Bear made a circuit on the outside of the "never-setting stars," and the birthplace in heaven was imaged as the leg or haunch (Meskhen) constellated in the circle of perpetual visibility.
Crocodile God Sobek For the Stellar Cult, the solar child was pictorialized as the crocodile, born of the sacred waters, the heavenly waters wherein the supreme Hippo goddess Taurt (or Apt) reigned. It is for this reason the selected noble was made pharaoh after he was anointed with chrism, that is the fat of the crocodile. He was "christened" and made into the Karast (or Christ), the "god made flesh." In this sense, the crocodile was the "serpent" child of the great mother. Images from early times show the goddess suckling the baby crocodile god. Even the term "messiah" traces back to this initiation with crocodile oil. Although the Jews had no ritual of baptism, the Egyptians certainly did - Mtsar |
Image from the ceiling in the ancient temple of Dendera dedicated to mother goddesses Isis and Hathor. It's from a small section of the great zodiac of Dendera denoting the circumpolar region. The hippo goddess Taurt with her child Sobek, styled as her attending crocodile.
The superhuman force that hauled the system round was imaged as a mighty monster swimming the Celestial Lake, a Hippopotamus or a Crocodile, or compound of both; also as the Great Mother of revolution, as Goddess Apt depicted in the Great Bear, as the Great Mother who gave birth to the seven circumpolar gods, all brothers, and called in the Ritual the "Bulls of their Mother." These were the seven elemental powers brought on and now divinized, and were :figuratively grouped in a bark that voyaged round the pole, or as Ursa Minor, with seven souls or glorious ones onboard, seen in the seven Stars that never set, a primary type of the eternal. The God of Sabaoth of the Hebrews is the Deity of the seven Pole Stars, i.e. Ursa Minor. The Deity that was primary Set of the Egyptians, and later Horus, took his place. Set was the El Shaddai of the Phoenicians and Hebrews. The seven Pole Stars were also imaged to represent the seven Stellar Gods with Horus as the Chief, making eight.
Two different types of the Great Mother are imaged as Taurt or the Earth Mother in one character, as Apt the Water-Cow of Heaven and Nut the Mother of Heaven as the Milch Cow. A Temple at Dendera has the Constellation of the Hippopotamus and the Thigh for the centre of the zodiac, which although made during the Solar Cult, very late, depicts the "original Stellar Cult portrayal" very distinctly, i.e., "The Leg of Nut" the "Milch Cow of Heaven" and "Sustainer of the Pole." Serpent Symbolism Sobek was the antetype of the great serpent, symbol of the child, companion and agent of the goddess - Mtsar The Hebrews follow the Babylonians in confusing the Ureus-Serpent of life with the serpent of death. The primal curse was brought into the world by Apap the reptile of drought, dearth and darkness, plague and disease. Set That Sut or Set was first primary god of the Egyptians, but was god of the South Pole or Southern Hemisphere. Temples were built and dedicated to Set, not only in Egypt, but in many parts of the world, wherever the earlier exodus had settled. Set was the El Shaddai of the Hebrews and Phoenicians.
The Pyramid Text also shows the change from Set to Horus and the appropriating of all Set's previous attributes to Horus.
Set was the Spirit of the Mountain stone and sand, the red and arid ground, as distinguished from the moist, black soil of the valley. He was cruel and treacherous, always ready to shrivel up the harvest with his burning breath, and to smother Egypt beneath a shroud of shifting sand - Maspero (Dawn of Civilization) The first uranographic portrayal of paradise was a Stellar enclosure round the pole of Set in the Southern Heavens, which was followed later, when the followers of Horus came North, by the configurating of the circumpolar paradise in the Northern Heavens by the astronomers when they reached the land of Egypt from the South.
Set & Horus Bel or Baai, who was Set as primary God of the Pole Star South, afterwards Horus of the Pole Star North, was no longer to be considered "the One God."
That South of the Equator, Set was primary deity; at the Equator, Set and Horus were equal; but that as they came North, Horus became primary. The myth had shifted or changed places. The domain of paradise of the South with Set as God of the South, had shifted to the paradise of the North, with Horus as God of the North. Two pillars or poles were used sometimes to depict the North and South divisions of heaven, and symbolized as the two supports.
In the Stellar Cult, the constellation representing Hydra represented the Apap reptile. It is figured in the waters of the Southern Heavens.
Crucifixion There is one thing, however, very definite and clear, and that...is the portrayal of Horus being crucified, occurred during the old Stellar Cult, and that the depiction was not on the cross, but on the "two Poles." The Great Pyramid In Egypt the north celestial pole was variously imaged as a mountain summit, an island in the deep, a mound of earth, a papyrus plant or lotus in the water of immensity, a tree, pole, pillar or pyramid, and other types of the Apex of Heaven.
I think this evidence supports my contention that the Great Pyramid was built by the followers of Horus to depict the astronomical Stellar Cult, and had nothing whatever to do with either the Lunar or later Solar Cult, which did not come into being for thousands of years after Menes, the first King of the First Dynasty. Grove and Tree The primal Stellar Cult paradise was the place of one tree. The paradise or garden in Amenta.
They enter the Aarru garden; they drink the water of life at its secret source in the Duat: they eat the fruit of the tree of life which is offered to Ani, the man,by the divine woman in the tree.
The Hyksos The only historical documents we have state that after the Shepherd Kings, the Hyksos, had reigned at Memphis and Lower Egypt for some years; they were driven out to the east and there founded or built, Jerusalem 2554 BC, in the reign of Tuthmoses. The Hyksos period of "Shepherd Kings," and their reign at Memphis and Lower Egypt, was 2554 BC, and when they were driven out of Egypt they went east and built Jerusalem.
...the Hyksos conquered the Egyptians at Memphis they destroyed all the Solar Cult of Ptah and re-introduced the Stellar Cult. The Hyksos took this latter cult with them when they were driven out of Egypt and founded Jerusalem. The first temples there were Stellar, and not Solar. Indeed, there was much overlapping of the various Cults of Egypt - some were revived after a long period of obscurity.
Monotheism The foundation of monotheism was laid when the various powers were combined in a single deity to be worshiped as the one true eternal spirit. The Druids Among the Druids the cave in the earth was a sign or symbol for the womb of the Bringer-fort; like the hole in a stone, it was the uterine symbol of the Genetrix.
Resurrection? In the Osirian representation Isis and Nephthys are the two women called the "two mourners" who weep and wail over Osiris in Rekhet, Isis and Nephthys, the two divine sisters, are the two women at the sepulchre of Osiris. They are portrayed, one at the head, the other at the feet of the mummy. |
Mary at the empty tomb. It's a very old story that doesn't originate with Jews and Christians. Despite disfigurement all the essential elements of the original Egyptian stellar story are there. The sun-king was born in the sign of the virgin, Virgo, hence Mother Mary. He is attended by the representatives of his mother, or by her twin, by her appointed ones. (The goddess is commonly a dyad.) In her maternal form she is his beginning and end, the Alpha and Omega. In her form as nurse and nurturer she is sister or wife. In maternal form she is Isis and also Nuith, the eternal night sky through which he must pass during the day and night. Jesus is the equivalent of Horus and Shu. His parents are Isis and Osiris, or Geb and Nuith, depending on the tradition. The name Eve comes from the alternative name of Taurt, namely Kefa, Khefa or Kheva. Of course, in the undefaced saga, Adam (Horus or Sobek-Ra) is her child.
The Book of Revelation was derived from the wisdom of Egypt, and can easily be understood by the Khemite (Egyptian) Mysteries, but not otherwise. In the Stellar Cult, heaven is the Celestial heptanomis that was formed in seven astronomes, on seven hills or seven islands, which sank and passed away. Goddess Disfigured In Revelation the most ancient genetrix is reproduced as the great harlot. She is the beast that sat upon the waters as a pregnant hippopotamus.
In Revelation the Mother of Mystery is called "Babylon the Great," the mother of harlots and of abominations of the earth who has the name of mystery written on her forehead...Here is a figure of the greatest antiquity in the Stellar Cult which was uranographically represented as the red hippopotamus that preceded the Great Bear. |